X- Y+ Z+ Y- X- Z+ Y- X- Y- X- Y- Y- Z+ Y- Z- Y- Z- Y+ X- After creating box around spheres, box is too small (667259.101788791 < 1500000), so increasing its size Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 19.6343284383954 -20.3291869627507 4.98985959885386 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 19.99552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 9.747 -35.78204 -7.822 35.295 -4.209 22.81579 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 815014.339945957 **BOX SIZE is now: 27.548 33.57304 32.63779 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 19.99552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 8.747 -36.78204 -8.822 36.295 -3.209 23.81579 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 983021.485383123 **BOX SIZE is now: 29.548 35.57304 34.63779 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 19.99552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 7.747 -37.78204 -9.822 37.295 -2.209 24.81579 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1172576.53810029 **BOX SIZE is now: 31.548 37.57304 36.63779 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 19.99552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 6.747 -38.78204 -10.822 38.295 -1.209 25.81579 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1384975.49809746 **BOX SIZE is now: 33.548 39.57304 38.63779 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 19.99552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 5.747 -39.78204 -11.822 39.295 -0.209 26.81579 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1582510.37708378 **BOX SIZE is now: 35.548 40.57304 40.63779 Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 19.6343284383954 -20.3291869627507 4.98985959885386 Center of current box is (x y z): 22.521 -20.49552 7.496895 Diagonals of current box is (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 4.747 -40.78204 -12.822 40.295 -0.209 27.81579 Limit diagonals to 8.3f : 4.747 -40.782 -12.822 40.295 -0.209 27.816