DOCK version 3.5.54, compiled on 20120216 CPU, Date, and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:16:21 Solvation type: context-dependent ligand desolvation Internal Distance Clashes will be checked Receptor spheres: ../../sph/match2.sph Receptor cluster number(s): 1 Desolvation grid: ../../grids/solvmap_sev :dislim = 1.5000 maxnodes = 4 ratiom = 0.0000 minnodes = 3 :lbinsz = 0.4000 lovlap = 0.1000 sbinsz = 0.4000 sovlap = 0.1000 Input ligand: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_alr2_0001.db.gz DelPhi grid: ../../grids/rec+sph.phi vdW parms: ../../grids/vdw.parms.amb.mindock chemgrid prefix: ../../grids/chem resolution = 0.3300000 number of points = 1634490 a maximum of 1 bad contacts will be allowed for each orientation random seed = 777 natmin = 5 natmax = 100 nsav = 50000 300000 molecules may be searched in this run hydrogens always written out zooming will not be done trilinear interpolation is always done Orientation minimization: best conformation Simplex parameters: Max energy to minimize: 0.100E+16 Max step-size for translation (A): 0.20 Max step-size for euler angles: 5.00 Min energy change for restart (kcal/mol): 1.00 Energy convergence tolerance (kcal/mol): 0.10 Max number of iterations: 200 database version: 5.2 7 colors used in ligand database file 12 colors used in receptor sphere file ligand color positive 1 merged number = 1 ligand color negative 2 merged number = 2 ligand color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 ligand color donor 4 merged number = 4 ligand color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 ligand color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 ligand color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color positive 1 merged number = 1 receptor color negative 2 merged number = 2 receptor color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 receptor color donor 4 merged number = 4 receptor color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 receptor color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 receptor color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color not_neutral 8 merged number = 8 receptor color positive_or_donor 9 merged number = 9 receptor color negative_or_acceptor 10 merged number = 10 receptor color neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor 11 merged number = 11 receptor color donacc 12 merged number = 12 12 colors in merged ligand-sphere color table this is a run with labeled color matching: match positive negative match positive negative_or_acceptor match positive not_neutral match negative positive match negative positive_or_donor match negative not_neutral match donor acceptor match donor donacc match donor negative_or_acceptor match donor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match donor not_neutral match acceptor donor match acceptor donacc match acceptor positive_or_donor match acceptor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match acceptor not_neutral match neutral neutral match neutral neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match ester_o donor match ester_o donacc match ester_o positive_or_donor match ester_o not_neutral match amide_o donor match amide_o donacc match amide_o positive_or_donor match amide_o not_neutral 26 chemical matches specified grid min -1.632999 -21.32100 -5.766998 grid max 36.36700 14.17900 35.23300 using cluster number: 1 output file: test.eel1.gz Receptor spheres: 45 0 0 0 0 0 44 non-zero colors in receptor sphere cluster cluster 1 with 45 spheres 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 maximum receptor sphere-sphere distance 13.60265 mol# id_num matched nscored nhvy nconfs part.fcn Time E id_num nbr elect + vdW + polsol + apolsol = Total 1 C03789766 876 8996 20 1 44.0 0.08 E C03789766 1 -44.11 -29.44 26.96 3.54 -43.05 2 C03789766 2750 4979 20 1 34.0 0.05 E C03789766 1 -30.16 -25.36 25.05 3.47 -27.00 3 C03814348 10624 2699857 26 396 4360.2 6.10 E C03814348 3 -42.34 -44.38 31.82 -6.08 -60.98 4 C03814348 8463 1484063 26 66 1747.0 4.52 E C03814348 2 -42.65 -44.26 31.91 -6.05 -61.05 5 C00398741 8663 93786 19 1 686.9 0.71 E C00398741 1 -9.11 -30.34 5.14 -0.72 -35.03 6 C04130611 3570 65156 17 1 406.4 0.43 E C04130611 1 -32.95 -18.65 23.96 -1.08 -28.72 7 C04130611 3560 67130 17 1 401.0 0.44 E C04130611 1 -7.63 -22.07 5.91 -3.00 -26.79 8 C03814356 10328 22393 21 1 80.2 0.22 E C03814356 1 0.47 -22.85 3.09 -3.15 -22.44 9 C04617743 1322 28637 17 1 214.0 0.20 E C04617743 1 -33.19 -19.40 23.01 -1.13 -30.70 10 C04617743 1322 28806 17 1 212.0 0.20 E C04617743 1 -33.86 -19.29 23.05 -1.20 -31.31 11 C03814346 3154 24052 21 2 80.1 0.16 E C03814346 2 -35.73 -16.72 28.84 -3.89 -27.50 12 C03814346 6282 94102 21 2 57.4 0.53 E C03814346 2 -34.93 -26.39 29.55 -4.05 -35.82 13 C04130609 2799 59021 17 1 417.9 0.40 E C04130609 1 -35.12 -18.97 24.62 -1.08 -30.55 14 C04130609 2798 62709 17 1 434.0 0.42 E C04130609 1 -34.62 -19.01 24.16 -1.12 -30.59 15 C00002070 2257 45358 17 1 286.8 0.31 E C00002070 1 -7.94 -25.74 5.10 0.60 -27.99 16 C00002070 2034 33634 17 1 100.7 0.23 E C00002070 1 -2.78 -25.68 4.19 -0.86 -25.13 17 C03814347 4470 1470441 15 28 2361.9 2.72 E C03814347 2 -45.39 -27.60 27.66 -3.02 -48.35 18 C03814347 3899 2961783 15 270 2177.9 3.62 E C03814347 3 -47.15 -26.05 27.93 -2.91 -48.18 19 C03803180 4109 706480 20 11 1539.1 1.88 E C03803180 2 -2.84 -34.19 7.30 -1.82 -31.55 20 C03803180 399 59363 20 11 59.2 0.12 E C03803180 2 0.80 -36.31 8.58 -1.65 -28.57 21 C00003724 7015 37536 21 1 288.4 0.30 E C00003724 1 -5.51 -31.50 5.20 -0.78 -32.59 22 C03803180 4109 718248 20 11 1691.8 1.81 E C03803180 2 -36.18 -34.51 29.83 0.10 -40.76 23 C03803180 1302 239955 20 11 179.3 0.47 E C03803180 2 -36.28 -34.43 29.81 0.11 -40.79 24 C04617744 1438 25967 17 1 150.5 0.18 E C04617744 1 -4.11 -25.06 9.02 -3.16 -23.32 25 C04617744 1439 26750 17 1 142.3 0.18 E C04617744 1 -4.12 -25.51 9.41 -3.17 -23.38 26 C00398741 9288 142763 19 1 1034.1 1.02 E C00398741 1 -48.58 -29.44 33.89 1.02 -43.11 27 C00003724 7965 42806 21 1 314.3 0.34 E C00003724 1 -45.22 -29.93 33.37 0.93 -40.86 28 C03789766 906 10226 20 1 68.3 0.08 E C03789766 1 -7.34 -29.78 7.54 2.01 -27.58 29 C03789766 3064 9743 20 1 21.6 0.09 E C03789766 1 -2.96 -21.60 5.31 0.05 -19.20 30 C03814354 2055 36925 18 1 286.6 0.27 E C03814354 1 -7.84 -27.50 4.61 0.25 -30.47 31 C03814354 3130 32724 18 1 111.8 0.24 E C03814354 1 -2.81 -25.35 4.04 -1.24 -25.37 32 C03787356 10033 1461226 29 56 1931.6 4.60 E C03787356 3 -38.67 -44.56 36.09 -5.87 -53.00 33 C03787356 8134 897104 29 40 1293.5 2.35 E C03787356 2 -37.80 -45.24 36.07 -5.79 -52.77 34 C03814349 17766 4220899 24 60 7792.2 11.19 E C03814349 3 -38.37 -39.86 35.64 -5.88 -48.46 35 C03814349 8442 1493164 24 40 2632.7 4.24 E C03814349 2 -38.27 -40.01 35.30 -5.87 -48.85 36 C03814353 10624 3353805 27 1008 1392.6 6.80 E C03814353 3 -47.65 -34.05 28.37 -5.05 -58.38 37 C03814353 8463 1903574 27 132 1416.1 5.16 E C03814353 2 -15.50 -38.43 12.76 -6.39 -47.55 38 C03777803 4213 543965 26 96 569.7 1.17 E C03777803 3 -36.89 -34.67 23.72 -4.76 -52.60 39 C03777803 7102 1653512 26 32 2306.0 3.79 E C03777803 2 -40.51 -30.19 28.72 -5.46 -47.45 40 C00598588 1542 26497 26 12 11.4 0.10 E C00598588 2 -44.30 -27.79 25.09 0.83 -46.17 41 C00598588 7101 884061 26 12 1288.1 2.49 E C00598588 2 -15.81 -36.18 15.21 -2.01 -38.78 42 C00598588 1811 27024 26 12 32.8 0.10 E C00598588 2 -42.31 -26.46 24.61 0.39 -43.76 43 C00598588 7106 849143 26 12 1409.4 2.39 E C00598588 2 -18.68 -35.61 16.00 -1.87 -40.16 44 C00598588 2029 20761 26 8 50.0 0.08 E C00598588 2 -29.51 -25.90 21.34 0.63 -33.45 45 C00598588 7098 828271 26 8 1471.1 2.38 E C00598588 2 -9.96 -27.93 7.34 -3.05 -33.60 46 C03814352 10624 2775870 27 689 3715.1 5.82 E C03814352 3 -44.46 -29.99 29.81 -4.28 -48.91 47 C03814352 8463 1724692 27 88 1463.2 4.55 E C03814352 2 -6.14 -32.15 5.03 -5.14 -38.40 48 C03780343 6861 654008 24 66 528.1 1.43 E C03780343 3 -43.31 -18.74 31.49 -3.86 -34.42 49 C03814351 9852 2320195 27 624 3373.5 5.66 E C03814351 3 -42.69 -45.13 31.89 -6.23 -62.15 50 C03814351 8442 1457520 27 74 1723.7 4.82 E C03814351 2 -42.92 -45.03 32.01 -6.23 -62.16 51 C03783240 10033 2168022 24 108 3253.1 4.55 E C03783240 3 -43.08 -34.62 30.80 -5.43 -52.32 52 C03783240 7110 2120108 24 36 2312.5 4.69 E C03783240 2 -42.20 -28.23 31.52 -5.45 -44.36 53 C01492564 3307 30608 28 8 18.5 0.13 E C01492564 2 -45.51 -28.03 27.70 0.20 -45.65 54 C01492564 7106 653401 28 8 1135.3 1.96 E C01492564 2 -2.98 -29.03 4.90 -3.08 -30.19 55 C01492564 4581 40289 28 8 46.9 0.18 E C01492564 2 -33.70 -29.62 24.78 0.04 -38.50 56 C01492564 7110 687359 28 8 1406.3 2.10 E C01492564 2 -6.19 -26.97 5.65 -3.00 -30.50 57 C03814350 10624 3086504 24 270 4816.7 6.74 E C03814350 3 -42.31 -42.89 32.24 -5.93 -58.89 58 C03814350 8042 1836533 24 52 3005.8 5.30 E C03814350 2 -42.11 -42.98 32.11 -5.93 -58.91 EOF: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_alr2_0001.db.gz end of file encountered total minimization steps = 5982658 for debugging, time = 125.0000 solvation corrected scores: (a) 1 C03814351 score: -62.165 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 74 2 C03814351 score: -62.154 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 624 3 C03814348 score: -61.046 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 66 4 C03814348 score: -60.979 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 396 5 C03814350 score: -58.906 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 52 6 C03814350 score: -58.889 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 270 7 C03814353 score: -58.384 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 1008 8 C03787356 score: -53.001 nathvy = 29 nconfs = 56 9 C03787356 score: -52.767 nathvy = 29 nconfs = 40 10 C03777803 score: -52.595 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 96 11 C03783240 score: -52.323 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 108 12 C03814352 score: -48.909 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 689 13 C03814349 score: -48.851 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 40 14 C03814349 score: -48.463 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 60 15 C03814347 score: -48.349 nathvy = 15 nconfs = 28 16 C03814347 score: -48.182 nathvy = 15 nconfs = 270 17 C03814353 score: -47.548 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 132 18 C03777803 score: -47.454 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 32 19 C00598588 score: -46.169 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 12 20 C01492564 score: -45.645 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 8 21 C03783240 score: -44.359 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 36 22 C00598588 score: -43.761 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 12 23 C00398741 score: -43.108 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 1 24 C03789766 score: -43.048 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 1 25 C00003724 score: -40.860 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 1 26 C03803180 score: -40.788 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 11 27 C03803180 score: -40.756 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 11 28 C00598588 score: -40.159 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 12 29 C00598588 score: -38.783 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 12 30 C01492564 score: -38.501 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 8 31 C03814352 score: -38.400 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 88 32 C03814346 score: -35.824 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 33 C00398741 score: -35.032 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 1 34 C03780343 score: -34.421 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 66 35 C00598588 score: -33.603 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 8 36 C00598588 score: -33.447 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 8 37 C00003724 score: -32.593 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 1 38 C03803180 score: -31.547 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 11 39 C04617743 score: -31.306 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 40 C04617743 score: -30.701 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 41 C04130609 score: -30.586 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 42 C04130609 score: -30.552 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 43 C01492564 score: -30.504 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 8 44 C03814354 score: -30.474 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 1 45 C01492564 score: -30.191 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 8 46 C04130611 score: -28.717 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 47 C03803180 score: -28.573 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 11 48 C00002070 score: -27.989 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 49 C03789766 score: -27.577 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 1 50 C03814346 score: -27.502 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 51 C03789766 score: -27.000 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 1 52 C04130611 score: -26.791 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 53 C03814354 score: -25.367 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 1 54 C00002070 score: -25.134 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 55 C04617744 score: -23.383 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 56 C04617744 score: -23.316 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 1 57 C03814356 score: -22.438 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 1 58 C03789766 score: -19.205 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 1 Date and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:18:33 elapsed time (sec): 125.0500