*on* Sphere 33 near SG CYS 298 Calculated angle as 102.192394660476 and cosangle -0.211195054152644 for sphere 33 Now colored sphere 33 to color 11 11 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 33 Sphere 12 near SG CYS 303 Calculated angle as 126.200711213303 and cosangle -0.590615684384048 for sphere 12 Sphere 12 near HSG CYS 303 Now colored sphere 12 to color 11 11 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 12 Sphere 10 near OG1 THR 113 Calculated angle as 118.265081907497 and cosangle -0.473551526722437 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near HOG THR 113 Calculated angle as 161.438054266064 and cosangle -0.947980044870069 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near SG CYS 303 Calculated angle as 87.1385236540067 and cosangle 0.0499214251479104 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near HSG CYS 303 Now colored sphere 10 to color 3 Now colored sphere 10 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 15 near OG1 THR 113 Calculated angle as 119.472775901692 and cosangle -0.49200995489183 for sphere 15 Sphere 15 near HOG THR 113 Calculated angle as 118.403101625648 and cosangle -0.475671826899628 for sphere 15 Now colored sphere 15 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 15 Sphere 43 near OH TYR 48 Calculated angle as 109.467292082183 and cosangle -0.333268687742469 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near HOH TYR 48 Calculated angle as 171.595425008993 and cosangle -0.989260665275782 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near NE2 HIS 110 Calculated angle as 144.737746040723 and cosangle -0.816518101326612 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near O7N NAP 500 Now colored sphere 43 to color 3 Now colored sphere 43 to color 12 Now colored sphere 43 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 25 near NE1 TRP 20 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 25 Sphere 11 near OG1 THR 113 Calculated angle as 102.46214502776 and cosangle -0.215794533925175 for sphere 11 Sphere 11 near HOG THR 113 Calculated angle as 152.491652333069 and cosangle -0.886943549635907 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 Now colored sphere 11 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 17 near N ALA 299 Sphere 17 near HN ALA 299 Calculated angle as 131.925651914791 and cosangle -0.668165724527975 for sphere 17 Sphere 17 near N LEU 300 Now colored sphere 17 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 17 Sphere 44 near NE2 HIS 110 Calculated angle as 112.853375784496 and cosangle -0.388374210382403 for sphere 44 Sphere 44 near NE1 TRP 111 Sphere 44 near HNE TRP 111 Calculated angle as 169.593117855757 and cosangle -0.983549780466565 for sphere 44 Now colored sphere 44 to color 3 Now colored sphere 44 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 45 near N LEU 300 Sphere 45 near HN LEU 300 Calculated angle as 159.193562332654 and cosangle -0.934785771212781 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Summary: colored 9 spheres POLAR, 35 spheres NONPOLAR, 1 spheres neither.