DOCK version 3.5.54, compiled on 20120216 CPU, Date, and Time: 10-Apr-12 19:28:35 Solvation type: context-dependent ligand desolvation Internal Distance Clashes will be checked Receptor spheres: ../../sph/match2.sph Receptor cluster number(s): 1 Desolvation grid: ../../grids/solvmap_sev :dislim = 1.5000 maxnodes = 4 ratiom = 0.0000 minnodes = 3 :lbinsz = 0.4000 lovlap = 0.1000 sbinsz = 0.4000 sovlap = 0.1000 Input ligand: ../../lig/db.db.gz DelPhi grid: ../../grids/rec+sph.phi vdW parms: ../../grids/vdw.parms.amb.mindock chemgrid prefix: ../../grids/chem resolution = 0.3300000 number of points = 1654596 a maximum of 1 bad contacts will be allowed for each orientation random seed = 777 natmin = 5 natmax = 100 nsav = 50000 300000 molecules may be searched in this run hydrogens always written out zooming will not be done trilinear interpolation is always done Orientation minimization: best conformation Simplex parameters: Max energy to minimize: 0.100E+16 Max step-size for translation (A): 0.20 Max step-size for euler angles: 5.00 Min energy change for restart (kcal/mol): 1.00 Energy convergence tolerance (kcal/mol): 0.10 Max number of iterations: 200 database version: 5.2 7 colors used in ligand database file 12 colors used in receptor sphere file ligand color positive 1 merged number = 1 ligand color negative 2 merged number = 2 ligand color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 ligand color donor 4 merged number = 4 ligand color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 ligand color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 ligand color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color positive 1 merged number = 1 receptor color negative 2 merged number = 2 receptor color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 receptor color donor 4 merged number = 4 receptor color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 receptor color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 receptor color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color not_neutral 8 merged number = 8 receptor color positive_or_donor 9 merged number = 9 receptor color negative_or_acceptor 10 merged number = 10 receptor color neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor 11 merged number = 11 receptor color donacc 12 merged number = 12 12 colors in merged ligand-sphere color table this is a run with labeled color matching: match positive negative match positive negative_or_acceptor match positive not_neutral match negative positive match negative positive_or_donor match negative not_neutral match donor acceptor match donor donacc match donor negative_or_acceptor match donor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match donor not_neutral match acceptor donor match acceptor donacc match acceptor positive_or_donor match acceptor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match acceptor not_neutral match neutral neutral match neutral neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match ester_o donor match ester_o donacc match ester_o positive_or_donor match ester_o not_neutral match amide_o donor match amide_o donacc match amide_o positive_or_donor match amide_o not_neutral 26 chemical matches specified grid min -7.820000 3.432999 4.647999 grid max 28.68000 42.93300 43.14800 using cluster number: 1 output file: test.eel1.gz Receptor spheres: 47 0 0 0 0 0 44 non-zero colors in receptor sphere cluster cluster 1 with 47 spheres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 maximum receptor sphere-sphere distance 10.47412 mol# id_num matched nscored nhvy nconfs part.fcn Time E id_num nbr elect + vdW + polsol + apolsol = Total 1 P00000001 9967 1612987 23 152 1136.1 3.71 E P00000001 5 -24.73 -29.29 19.14 -2.60 -37.49 2 P00000001 9489 556007 23 38 343.6 1.45 E P00000001 2 -37.44 -20.39 18.76 -2.28 -41.35 3 P00000001 9946 2367928 23 528 1806.5 4.72 E P00000001 5 -42.91 -11.95 20.06 -2.96 -37.76 4 P00000001 14699 1451396 23 66 393.7 3.60 E P00000001 2 -38.06 -22.22 19.29 -2.50 -43.49 5 P00000001 10141 2197497 23 372 564.0 4.41 E P00000001 5 -20.57 -28.43 18.86 -2.49 -32.64 6 P00000001 22714 2293529 23 124 1221.7 4.96 E P00000001 3 -35.83 -21.73 19.40 -2.53 -40.70 7 P00000001 9946 2428109 23 320 1230.0 4.83 E P00000001 5 -23.12 -29.16 20.20 -2.64 -34.72 8 P00000001 24293 1862500 23 80 700.3 4.65 E P00000001 2 -36.53 -23.13 19.03 -2.44 -43.07 EOF: ../../lig/db.db.gz end of file encountered total minimization steps = 1069132 for debugging, time = 33.99000 solvation corrected scores: (a) 1 P00000001 score: -43.491 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 66 2 P00000001 score: -43.073 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 80 3 P00000001 score: -41.346 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 38 4 P00000001 score: -40.696 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 124 5 P00000001 score: -37.758 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 528 6 P00000001 score: -37.488 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 152 7 P00000001 score: -34.716 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 320 8 P00000001 score: -32.640 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 372 Date and Time: 10-Apr-12 19:29:15 elapsed time (sec): 34.0000