*on* Sphere 36 near OG1 THR 134 Calculated angle as 156.804469085447 and cosangle -0.919166064028887 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 111.947361542838 and cosangle -0.37375461829515 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near OH TYR 187 Calculated angle as 98.2829207217437 and cosangle -0.144061227206215 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near O LEU 188 Calculated angle as 137.863425315193 and cosangle -0.741547723888885 for sphere 36 Now colored sphere 36 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 36 Sphere 34 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 118.552227643287 and cosangle -0.477959642671433 for sphere 34 Now colored sphere 34 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 34 Sphere 33 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 145.814684454026 and cosangle -0.827224604622753 for sphere 33 Sphere 33 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 127.117796603728 and cosangle -0.603455695653551 for sphere 33 Sphere 33 near OE2 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 83.5844168376934 and cosangle 0.111739210584539 for sphere 33 Now colored sphere 33 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 33 Sphere 12 near NH2 ARG 93 Sphere 12 near HN22 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 163.672560640096 and cosangle -0.959670768613034 for sphere 12 Sphere 12 near N SER 139 Sphere 12 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 165.276563079616 and cosangle -0.967163871806315 for sphere 12 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 12 Sphere 22 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 77.2771949334629 and cosangle 0.220234472599014 for sphere 22 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 22 Sphere 8 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 146.000289011631 and cosangle -0.829040393227965 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 133.286302597021 and cosangle -0.685644348496312 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 102.264410437115 and cosangle -0.212423448422694 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OE2 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 79.4372241786695 and cosangle 0.183312713995216 for sphere 8 Now colored sphere 8 to color 3 Now colored sphere 8 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 8 Sphere 27 near N THR 140 Sphere 27 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 142.543191892118 and cosangle -0.793812023984709 for sphere 27 Now colored sphere 27 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 27 Sphere 18 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 74.9026830718046 and cosangle 0.260459296782624 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 154.080905946018 and cosangle -0.899412163015248 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 125.122342514722 and cosangle -0.575324246163721 for sphere 18 Now colored sphere 18 to color 3 Now colored sphere 18 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 18 Sphere 3 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 113.275357300104 and cosangle -0.395150445646482 for sphere 3 Now colored sphere 3 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 3 Sphere 19 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 140.19201524797 and cosangle -0.768194310309413 for sphere 19 Sphere 19 near N THR 88 Sphere 19 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 112.72547501145 and cosangle -0.386316185659305 for sphere 19 Sphere 19 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 144.764180723972 and cosangle -0.816784373769367 for sphere 19 Now colored sphere 19 to color 3 Now colored sphere 19 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 19 Sphere 1 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 101.86744868589 and cosangle -0.205648234180299 for sphere 1 Now colored sphere 1 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 1 Sphere 14 near N SER 139 Sphere 14 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 154.420876930956 and cosangle -0.9019899061306 for sphere 14 Now colored sphere 14 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 14 Sphere 28 near N THR 140 Sphere 28 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 160.672256168955 and cosangle -0.943640798867486 for sphere 28 Now colored sphere 28 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 28 Sphere 7 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 161.761833427679 and cosangle -0.94976378437983 for sphere 7 Sphere 7 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 115.624964337545 and cosangle -0.432478645122462 for sphere 7 Now colored sphere 7 to color 9 Now colored sphere 7 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 7 Sphere 40 near OE2 GLU 10 Calculated angle as 132.605615707419 and cosangle -0.676948113209264 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 117.239466604494 and cosangle -0.457710468306107 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near HOH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 99.9266017163499 and cosangle -0.172386455715025 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 124.094823258344 and cosangle -0.560564176041458 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near HOG THR 171 Calculated angle as 142.327612642616 and cosangle -0.791518155233586 for sphere 40 Now colored sphere 40 to color 10 Now colored sphere 40 to color 10 Now colored sphere 40 to color 10 Now colored sphere 40 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 40 Sphere 41 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 124.839590653486 and cosangle -0.571280835031055 for sphere 41 Now colored sphere 41 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 41 Sphere 37 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 120.800638469055 and cosangle -0.512052436561603 for sphere 37 Sphere 37 near HOG THR 135 Calculated angle as 109.92310339718 and cosangle -0.340758675240729 for sphere 37 Sphere 37 near OH TYR 187 Calculated angle as 109.205614059257 and cosangle -0.328959178762653 for sphere 37 Now colored sphere 37 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 37 Sphere 10 near N THR 88 Sphere 10 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 170.840623009945 and cosangle -0.987249373558061 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near NH1 ARG 93 Sphere 10 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 158.50313439953 and cosangle -0.930437616256377 for sphere 10 Now colored sphere 10 to color 4 Now colored sphere 10 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 42 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 127.253469612377 and cosangle -0.605342189757581 for sphere 42 Now colored sphere 42 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 21 near OH TYR 217 Calculated angle as 112.093307606888 and cosangle -0.37611603805008 for sphere 21 Now colored sphere 21 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 21 Sphere 39 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 165.598312152762 and cosangle -0.968575834679463 for sphere 39 Sphere 39 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 112.563789854911 and cosangle -0.383711789786547 for sphere 39 Now colored sphere 39 to color 3 Now colored sphere 39 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 39 Sphere 9 near N GLU 190 Sphere 9 near HN GLU 190 Calculated angle as 170.343948598345 and cosangle -0.98583241849915 for sphere 9 Now colored sphere 9 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 9 Sphere 35 near OG1 THR 134 Calculated angle as 174.856036235792 and cosangle -0.995972562499191 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 80.8570644735125 and cosangle 0.158897957412499 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near HOG THR 140 Calculated angle as 132.705899950804 and cosangle -0.678235343050072 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near O LEU 188 Calculated angle as 131.932706021152 and cosangle -0.668257320331825 for sphere 35 Now colored sphere 35 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 35 Sphere 25 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 119.233173367834 and cosangle -0.488364985685779 for sphere 25 Sphere 25 near HOG THR 135 Calculated angle as 140.760913008234 and cosangle -0.774513140105894 for sphere 25 Sphere 25 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 124.910818207556 and cosangle -0.572300718861896 for sphere 25 Sphere 25 near OH TYR 187 Calculated angle as 123.820196016462 and cosangle -0.556588492143844 for sphere 25 Now colored sphere 25 to color 3 Now colored sphere 25 to color 12 Now colored sphere 25 to color 12 Now colored sphere 25 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 25 Sphere 11 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 111.437885801117 and cosangle -0.365492348396353 for sphere 11 Sphere 11 near HOG THR 140 Calculated angle as 110.943804256173 and cosangle -0.35745212093509 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 20 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 118.474638531846 and cosangle -0.476769712934141 for sphere 20 Now colored sphere 20 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 20 Sphere 32 near O THR 135 Calculated angle as 121.10688366725 and cosangle -0.516636199342236 for sphere 32 Sphere 32 near HN LYS 141 Calculated angle as 155.051599331763 and cosangle -0.906688020265433 for sphere 32 Now colored sphere 32 to color 3 Now colored sphere 32 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 32 Summary: colored 26 spheres POLAR, 15 spheres NONPOLAR, 1 spheres neither.