*on* Sphere 36 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 144.5910879483 and cosangle -0.815037681783891 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near OH TYR 217 Calculated angle as 119.487845268613 and cosangle -0.492238911695546 for sphere 36 Now colored sphere 36 to color 10 Now colored sphere 36 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 36 Sphere 33 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 101.23624245253 and cosangle -0.194854815626993 for sphere 33 Now colored sphere 33 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 33 Sphere 12 near NH2 ARG 93 Sphere 12 near HN22 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 163.005960608992 and cosangle -0.956335166875092 for sphere 12 Sphere 12 near N SER 139 Sphere 12 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 159.45594084717 and cosangle -0.936402610815315 for sphere 12 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 12 Sphere 8 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 147.550099276292 and cosangle -0.843860936676756 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 135.885318547385 and cosangle -0.717947953712345 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 100.38545121168 and cosangle -0.180269386777368 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near OE2 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 80.6993051739926 and cosangle 0.161615788692197 for sphere 8 Now colored sphere 8 to color 3 Now colored sphere 8 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 8 Sphere 18 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 134.847108424538 and cosangle -0.705217378740262 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near N THR 88 Sphere 18 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 103.54799757557 and cosangle -0.234259851423007 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 156.732188248845 and cosangle -0.918668450269376 for sphere 18 Now colored sphere 18 to color 3 Now colored sphere 18 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 18 Sphere 3 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 115.673222523673 and cosangle -0.43323791427692 for sphere 3 Now colored sphere 3 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 3 Sphere 23 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 119.743486065534 and cosangle -0.496117795289516 for sphere 23 Sphere 23 near HOG THR 135 Calculated angle as 111.264291899758 and cosangle -0.362670507707821 for sphere 23 Sphere 23 near OH TYR 187 Calculated angle as 111.268470103825 and cosangle -0.36273846534779 for sphere 23 Now colored sphere 23 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 23 Sphere 1 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 106.416364059594 and cosangle -0.28261543184048 for sphere 1 Now colored sphere 1 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 1 Sphere 31 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 104.95029079912 and cosangle -0.257980920961824 for sphere 31 Sphere 31 near HN THR 135 Calculated angle as 157.407299234731 and cosangle -0.923259167184762 for sphere 31 Sphere 31 near O LEU 188 Calculated angle as 140.588211643122 and cosangle -0.772602964106723 for sphere 31 Now colored sphere 31 to color 3 Now colored sphere 31 to color 12 Now colored sphere 31 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 31 Sphere 24 near O THR 135 Calculated angle as 122.551298954685 and cosangle -0.538054511327953 for sphere 24 Sphere 24 near N THR 140 Sphere 24 near N LYS 141 Sphere 24 near HN LYS 141 Calculated angle as 155.747750412275 and cosangle -0.911745916938124 for sphere 24 Now colored sphere 24 to color 3 Now colored sphere 24 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 24 Sphere 30 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 96.790689283521 and cosangle -0.118242607209322 for sphere 30 Sphere 30 near HOH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 91.910400238292 and cosangle -0.0333365964466858 for sphere 30 Now colored sphere 30 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 30 Sphere 7 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 161.862236485908 and cosangle -0.950310759078861 for sphere 7 Sphere 7 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 115.720177826901 and cosangle -0.433976389547045 for sphere 7 Now colored sphere 7 to color 9 Now colored sphere 7 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 7 Sphere 26 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 119.379972369357 and cosangle -0.490599192502238 for sphere 26 Sphere 26 near HOG THR 140 Calculated angle as 144.705454526752 and cosangle -0.816192598110451 for sphere 26 Sphere 26 near N GLU 190 Sphere 26 near HN GLU 190 Calculated angle as 133.911501847523 and cosangle -0.693546461415095 for sphere 26 Now colored sphere 26 to color 3 Now colored sphere 26 to color 12 Now colored sphere 26 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 26 Sphere 29 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 83.9997572680886 and cosangle 0.104532676529841 for sphere 29 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 29 Sphere 10 near N THR 88 Sphere 10 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 171.763954069894 and cosangle -0.989686304302978 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near NH1 ARG 93 Sphere 10 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 154.783849320074 and cosangle -0.904706996771242 for sphere 10 Now colored sphere 10 to color 4 Now colored sphere 10 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 16 near O ASP 136 Calculated angle as 138.581988971382 and cosangle -0.749903148029258 for sphere 16 Now colored sphere 16 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 16 Sphere 21 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 71.3082789848106 and cosangle 0.320476119574991 for sphere 21 Sphere 21 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 120.357393762716 and cosangle -0.505392242611973 for sphere 21 Now colored sphere 21 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 21 Sphere 9 near N GLU 190 Sphere 9 near HN GLU 190 Calculated angle as 174.398307655739 and cosangle -0.995224517243614 for sphere 9 Now colored sphere 9 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 9 Sphere 35 near OE2 GLU 10 Calculated angle as 112.271651401432 and cosangle -0.378998341183388 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 123.159763592957 and cosangle -0.546975464270312 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near HOH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 78.9201214172992 and cosangle 0.19217733941437 for sphere 35 Now colored sphere 35 to color 10 Now colored sphere 35 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 35 Sphere 25 near N SER 139 Sphere 25 near N THR 140 Sphere 25 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 155.813524621917 and cosangle -0.912216852757179 for sphere 25 Now colored sphere 25 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 25 Sphere 11 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 106.248703486624 and cosangle -0.279807289541222 for sphere 11 Sphere 11 near HOG THR 140 Calculated angle as 109.755592592403 and cosangle -0.338008583785474 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 20 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 80.4243384745709 and cosangle 0.166349893860882 for sphere 20 Sphere 20 near HOG THR 135 Calculated angle as 139.233369024007 and cosangle -0.757375478974765 for sphere 20 Now colored sphere 20 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 20 Sphere 32 near OG1 THR 135 Calculated angle as 106.035051301802 and cosangle -0.276225366256157 for sphere 32 Now colored sphere 32 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 32 Summary: colored 22 spheres POLAR, 13 spheres NONPOLAR, 1 spheres neither.