There are 15 ligand heavy atoms Ligand center of coords (x y z): 20.5092 62.2687333333333 28.5374 useligsph not on Starting number of spheres from sph/sph cluster 0: 1238 FINISHED READING IN FILE sph/sph CLUSTER 0 Number of sphere points after cutting off spheres too far from center of ligand (12 angstroms): 1053 Number of spheres after removing too far (>7 angstroms) and too close to receptor (<1.2 angstroms): 1053 Number of spheres polar: 434, nonpolar: 493, out of current total: 1053 Extents of grid to search are X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2: 8.61167 31.80152 50.33913 74.22915 16.60348 40.53371 Number of spheres after removing spheres too close to each other (approximately <1.5 angstroms): 325 Number of spheres after second pass removing spheres absolutely <0.8 from each other: 242 No crystallographic spheres present, so determining sphere nearest center of ligand (x y z): 20.5092 62.2687333333333 28.5374 Center point: 105 xyz: 20.85516 61.79224 28.40708 Only 31 spheres are continuous, so increasing continuity by 0.5 to be 3.5 After continuity checking, number of spheres is: 236 Spheres center of coords (x y z): 19.048271779661 59.0084488135593 29.0732190254237 Not crystallographic ligand, so keeping spheres closest to center of receptor, center of ligand, and center of spheres Receptor center of coords (x y z): 20.2683149736148 67.282562005277 29.3827493403694 Average weighted-distance for final elimination is: 33.9452533244532 Final number of output spheres is: 120 Number of polar spheres: 90 Number of nonpolar spheres: 26 Number of spheres that are near neither polar nor nonpolar receptor atoms: 4 Final number of spheres that are from crystallographic ligand: 0