*on* Sphere 34 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 154.637171240477 and cosangle -0.903613378927297 for sphere 34 Now colored sphere 34 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 34 Sphere 22 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 140.061446547642 and cosangle -0.766733356540707 for sphere 22 Sphere 22 near N THR 88 Sphere 22 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 106.32674050929 and cosangle -0.281114628998864 for sphere 22 Sphere 22 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 139.453554704033 and cosangle -0.759879258078602 for sphere 22 Now colored sphere 22 to color 3 Now colored sphere 22 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 22 Sphere 8 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 89.7672203351871 and cosangle 0.00406276040581817 for sphere 8 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 8 Sphere 18 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 72.4370745489225 and cosangle 0.301753043596926 for sphere 18 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 18 Sphere 2 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 62.6948358104941 and cosangle 0.458729645567382 for sphere 2 Sphere 2 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 158.395017134714 and cosangle -0.929744467535035 for sphere 2 Now colored sphere 2 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 2 Sphere 17 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 147.67470240106 and cosangle -0.845025820173452 for sphere 17 Sphere 17 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 110.114335053937 and cosangle -0.343894639470937 for sphere 17 Now colored sphere 17 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 17 Sphere 45 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 127.582032308895 and cosangle -0.609896675541118 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Sphere 56 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 142.454868644926 and cosangle -0.792873578478557 for sphere 56 Now colored sphere 56 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 56 Sphere 41 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 86.686509183412 and cosangle 0.0577990940953544 for sphere 41 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 41 Sphere 21 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 99.6034765232956 and cosangle -0.166828573471865 for sphere 21 Sphere 21 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 155.723200285542 and cosangle -0.91156983287143 for sphere 21 Now colored sphere 21 to color 3 Now colored sphere 21 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 21 Sphere 12 near NH2 ARG 93 Sphere 12 near HN22 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 153.659379936748 and cosangle -0.896172088090994 for sphere 12 Sphere 12 near N SER 139 Sphere 12 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 153.203246895867 and cosangle -0.892611367808857 for sphere 12 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 Now colored sphere 12 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 12 Sphere 54 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 102.570758430343 and cosangle -0.217645142501102 for sphere 54 Now colored sphere 54 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 54 Sphere 49 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 113.529009260751 and cosangle -0.399213331835809 for sphere 49 Sphere 49 near HOG THR 140 Calculated angle as 137.17451722142 and cosangle -0.733427604723631 for sphere 49 Now colored sphere 49 to color 3 Now colored sphere 49 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 49 Sphere 23 near NH1 ARG 93 Sphere 23 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 166.299779144605 and cosangle -0.971548207061409 for sphere 23 Now colored sphere 23 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 23 Sphere 43 near N SER 139 Sphere 43 near N THR 140 Sphere 43 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 84.9914328999376 and cosangle 0.0873046968917964 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 164.824819709134 and cosangle -0.965129980514376 for sphere 43 Now colored sphere 43 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 1 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 107.628017196197 and cosangle -0.302835957498448 for sphere 1 Now colored sphere 1 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 1 Sphere 14 near N SER 139 Sphere 14 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 166.27407184865 and cosangle -0.971441843774526 for sphere 14 Now colored sphere 14 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 14 Sphere 24 near N LEU 135 Sphere 24 near HN LEU 135 Calculated angle as 160.087813557911 and cosangle -0.940215709211407 for sphere 24 Sphere 24 near O LEU 188 Calculated angle as 136.725584713395 and cosangle -0.728078928693559 for sphere 24 Now colored sphere 24 to color 4 Now colored sphere 24 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 24 Sphere 7 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 164.751322954153 and cosangle -0.964793396937645 for sphere 7 Now colored sphere 7 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 7 Sphere 40 near N THR 140 Sphere 40 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 150.946033058774 and cosangle -0.874162676660929 for sphere 40 Now colored sphere 40 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 40 Sphere 37 near NH1 ARG 93 Sphere 37 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 154.847373273403 and cosangle -0.905178785805081 for sphere 37 Sphere 37 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 100.364147397158 and cosangle -0.179903644069829 for sphere 37 Sphere 37 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 156.926216278882 and cosangle -0.920000918949714 for sphere 37 Now colored sphere 37 to color 9 Now colored sphere 37 to color 8 Now colored sphere 37 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 37 Sphere 10 near N THR 88 Sphere 10 near HN THR 88 Calculated angle as 178.181305575767 and cosangle -0.99949625848405 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near NH1 ARG 93 Sphere 10 near HN12 ARG 93 Calculated angle as 162.764776740373 and cosangle -0.955096391589636 for sphere 10 Now colored sphere 10 to color 4 Now colored sphere 10 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 52 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 107.6283715233 and cosangle -0.302841851275076 for sphere 52 Now colored sphere 52 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 52 Sphere 13 near N SER 139 Sphere 13 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 114.157583337346 and cosangle -0.40924766954505 for sphere 13 Sphere 13 near HN SER 139 Calculated angle as 112.113379029313 and cosangle -0.37644060483204 for sphere 13 Sphere 13 near N THR 140 Sphere 13 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 99.7350975860342 and cosangle -0.169093158747591 for sphere 13 Sphere 13 near HN THR 140 Calculated angle as 157.413201713391 and cosangle -0.923298739384177 for sphere 13 Now colored sphere 13 to color 3 Now colored sphere 13 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 13 Sphere 42 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 82.5063663832993 and cosangle 0.130416027663071 for sphere 42 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 48 near O LEU 188 Calculated angle as 128.704855956016 and cosangle -0.625308797456482 for sphere 48 Now colored sphere 48 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 48 Sphere 9 near O PRO 86 Calculated angle as 169.836891402018 and cosangle -0.984309424639605 for sphere 9 Sphere 9 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 132.983871789121 and cosangle -0.681792464012567 for sphere 9 Sphere 9 near OE1 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 104.35997339013 and cosangle -0.248013178086562 for sphere 9 Now colored sphere 9 to color 3 Now colored sphere 9 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 9 Sphere 39 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 99.1527401095108 and cosangle -0.159066903234589 for sphere 39 Now colored sphere 39 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 39 Sphere 53 near N GLU 190 Sphere 53 near HN GLU 190 Calculated angle as 154.413283051329 and cosangle -0.901932673896039 for sphere 53 Sphere 53 near SD MET 193 Calculated angle as 97.7766103105826 and cosangle -0.135311111028013 for sphere 53 Now colored sphere 53 to color 4 Now colored sphere 53 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 53 Sphere 57 near OE2 GLU 10 Calculated angle as 137.928491531022 and cosangle -0.74230913295683 for sphere 57 Sphere 57 near OH TYR 58 Calculated angle as 89.9109586852941 and cosangle 0.0015540634862789 for sphere 57 Now colored sphere 57 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 57 Sphere 38 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 132.353007276604 and cosangle -0.673696496214914 for sphere 38 Sphere 38 near OE2 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 99.1981684202888 and cosangle -0.159849631730044 for sphere 38 Now colored sphere 38 to color 3 Now colored sphere 38 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 38 Sphere 46 near OG1 THR 171 Calculated angle as 102.573252677111 and cosangle -0.217687631543159 for sphere 46 Sphere 46 near OH TYR 187 Calculated angle as 115.842638361532 and cosangle -0.43590097783433 for sphere 46 Now colored sphere 46 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 46 Sphere 44 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 92.0692548155805 and cosangle -0.036107459146518 for sphere 44 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 55 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 125.941796000463 and cosangle -0.586963108079836 for sphere 55 Sphere 55 near OG1 THR 140 Calculated angle as 111.051768767891 and cosangle -0.359211326159307 for sphere 55 Now colored sphere 55 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 55 Sphere 6 near OG1 THR 88 Calculated angle as 112.293132370556 and cosangle -0.37934525862645 for sphere 6 Sphere 6 near OG SER 139 Calculated angle as 129.915866810991 and cosangle -0.6416620565534 for sphere 6 Sphere 6 near OE2 GLU 190 Calculated angle as 101.869568751942 and cosangle -0.205684445288049 for sphere 6 Now colored sphere 6 to color 3 Now colored sphere 6 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 6 Summary: colored 30 spheres POLAR, 23 spheres NONPOLAR, 5 spheres neither.