X- Y- Z+ Y- Z- X- Z- X+ Y+ Z+ X+ Y- Y- X+ Z- X- Z- Y+ X- X- Y- Y- After creating box around spheres, box is too small (558713.908920078 < 1500000), so increasing its size Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 7.20067107664232 -32.2189215328467 26.0692221715329 Center of current box is (x y z): 0.44053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -13.42378 -48.15295 9.51684 14.30484 -21.872 37.91279 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 689998.631431725 **BOX SIZE is now: 29.72862 28.28095 30.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 0.44053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -49.15295 8.51684 15.30484 -20.872 38.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 813892.482425254 **BOX SIZE is now: 30.72862 30.28095 32.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 0.940529999999999 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -50.15295 7.51684 16.30484 -19.872 39.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 951192.820538784 **BOX SIZE is now: 31.72862 32.28095 34.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.44053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -51.15295 6.51684 17.30484 -18.872 40.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1102547.64577231 **BOX SIZE is now: 32.72862 34.28095 36.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.94053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -52.15295 5.51684 18.30484 -17.872 41.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1268604.95812584 **BOX SIZE is now: 33.72862 36.28095 38.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 2.44053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -53.15295 4.51684 19.30484 -16.872 42.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1450012.75759937 **BOX SIZE is now: 34.72862 38.28095 40.39595 Center of current box is (x y z): 2.94053 35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -54.15295 3.51684 20.30484 -15.872 43.91279 D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1647419.0441929 **BOX SIZE is now: 35.72862 40.28095 42.39595 Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 7.20067107664232 -32.2189215328467 26.0692221715329 Center of current box is (x y z): 3.44053 -35.012475 23.714815 Diagonals of current box is (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -14.42378 -55.15295 2.51684 21.30484 -14.872 44.91279 Limit diagonals to 8.3f : -14.424 -55.153 2.517 21.305 -14.872 44.913