*on* Sphere 41 near O VAL 174 Calculated angle as 131.042324973893 and cosangle -0.656616361564025 for sphere 41 Sphere 41 near N GLY 185 Now colored sphere 41 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 41 Sphere 37 near OH TYR 313 Calculated angle as 105.405617786288 and cosangle -0.265650644672745 for sphere 37 Now colored sphere 37 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 37 Sphere 4 near O HIS 230 Calculated angle as 110.692122759649 and cosangle -0.353346232057702 for sphere 4 Sphere 4 near OH TYR 313 Calculated angle as 94.3141452823901 and cosangle -0.0752249113511029 for sphere 4 Now colored sphere 4 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 4 Sphere 13 near O HIS 230 Calculated angle as 96.0161767974148 and cosangle -0.104809250795935 for sphere 13 Sphere 13 near OH TYR 313 Calculated angle as 119.689389977996 and cosangle -0.495297806912949 for sphere 13 Now colored sphere 13 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 13 Sphere 60 near OH TYR 313 Calculated angle as 104.190825251909 and cosangle -0.245152145875084 for sphere 60 Now colored sphere 60 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 60 Sphere 19 near O VAL 174 Calculated angle as 128.228073574594 and cosangle -0.618793372369803 for sphere 19 Sphere 19 near N GLY 185 Now colored sphere 19 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 19 Sphere 35 near O VAL 174 Calculated angle as 126.903322111542 and cosangle -0.600466591460264 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near O TYR 183 Calculated angle as 100.957201474361 and cosangle -0.19007569106251 for sphere 35 Now colored sphere 35 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 35 Sphere 44 near O TYR 183 Calculated angle as 79.5792307534082 and cosangle 0.180875669912649 for sphere 44 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 30 near O LYS 100 Calculated angle as 149.544449036767 and cosangle -0.862022640268712 for sphere 30 Now colored sphere 30 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 30 Sphere 32 near O LYS 100 Calculated angle as 174.867679174243 and cosangle -0.995990761234314 for sphere 32 Now colored sphere 32 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 32 Summary: colored 9 spheres POLAR, 50 spheres NONPOLAR, 1 spheres neither.