*on* Sphere 34 near O VAL 141 Calculated angle as 129.283864352578 and cosangle -0.633162918498993 for sphere 34 Sphere 34 near N VAL 143 Sphere 34 near O VAL 143 Calculated angle as 94.9361062035801 and cosangle -0.0860447751760419 for sphere 34 Sphere 34 near HN VAL 143 Calculated angle as 148.067564638343 and cosangle -0.848672400630304 for sphere 34 Now colored sphere 34 to color 3 Now colored sphere 34 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 34 Sphere 18 near N PHE 12 Sphere 18 near N SER 13 Sphere 18 near HN SER 13 Calculated angle as 129.30376074276 and cosangle -0.633431664078896 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near N GLY 14 Sphere 18 near HN GLY 14 Calculated angle as 131.773920427643 and cosangle -0.666193079619237 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near NZ LYS 15 Sphere 18 near HNZ1 LYS 15 Calculated angle as 139.580128277394 and cosangle -0.761313476266183 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near HN LYS 15 Calculated angle as 165.676537157097 and cosangle -0.968914503111708 for sphere 18 Now colored sphere 18 to color 4 Now colored sphere 18 to color 9 Now colored sphere 18 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 18 Sphere 3 near N PHE 12 Sphere 3 near HN PHE 12 Calculated angle as 163.570461691913 and cosangle -0.959168288541031 for sphere 3 Sphere 3 near NZ LYS 15 Now colored sphere 3 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 3 Sphere 43 near O GLY 145 Calculated angle as 137.987561867492 and cosangle -0.742999548836644 for sphere 43 Now colored sphere 43 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 23 near OD2 ASP 41 Calculated angle as 133.978439267353 and cosangle -0.69438762956137 for sphere 23 Sphere 23 near NH1 ARG 43 Sphere 23 near HN12 ARG 43 Calculated angle as 148.86577684786 and cosangle -0.85595840306082 for sphere 23 Sphere 23 near OE2 GLU 67 Calculated angle as 96.8215975755947 and cosangle -0.11877825704698 for sphere 23 Now colored sphere 23 to color 10 Now colored sphere 23 to color 8 Now colored sphere 23 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 23 Sphere 2 near NH1 ARG 43 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 2 Sphere 31 near NE2 GLN 69 Sphere 31 near HNE2 GLN 69 Calculated angle as 132.783320421984 and cosangle -0.679227676765612 for sphere 31 Now colored sphere 31 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 31 Sphere 17 near OG SER 16 Calculated angle as 128.871625954235 and cosangle -0.627577578686068 for sphere 17 Now colored sphere 17 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 17 Sphere 45 near NZ LYS 15 Sphere 45 near HNZ3 LYS 15 Calculated angle as 164.693260977649 and cosangle -0.964526375531796 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Sphere 26 near NZ LYS 15 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 26 Sphere 28 near O VAL 141 Calculated angle as 151.932942065901 and cosangle -0.882397527312267 for sphere 28 Now colored sphere 28 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 28 Sphere 40 near N GLY 14 Sphere 40 near HN GLY 14 Calculated angle as 122.058215448784 and cosangle -0.530780650885252 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near N LYS 15 Sphere 40 near NZ LYS 15 Sphere 40 near HNZ1 LYS 15 Calculated angle as 147.637398076516 and cosangle -0.844677490252084 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near HN LYS 15 Calculated angle as 148.521740321907 and cosangle -0.852838359928751 for sphere 40 Now colored sphere 40 to color 9 Now colored sphere 40 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 40 Sphere 29 near OD2 ASP 41 Calculated angle as 160.471301870185 and cosangle -0.94247417672576 for sphere 29 Sphere 29 near OE1 GLU 67 Calculated angle as 106.325624583507 and cosangle -0.281095937775111 for sphere 29 Now colored sphere 29 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 29 Sphere 41 near OD2 ASP 41 Calculated angle as 115.63061810778 and cosangle -0.43256761447421 for sphere 41 Sphere 41 near N GLY 145 Sphere 41 near HN GLY 145 Calculated angle as 166.483680975133 and cosangle -0.972303390882553 for sphere 41 Now colored sphere 41 to color 10 Now colored sphere 41 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 41 Sphere 10 near N GLY 14 Sphere 10 near HN GLY 14 Calculated angle as 144.398598287599 and cosangle -0.813086519458393 for sphere 10 Now colored sphere 10 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 42 near OD1 ASP 66 Calculated angle as 116.132984831314 and cosangle -0.440456085930458 for sphere 42 Now colored sphere 42 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 15 near O VAL 143 Calculated angle as 110.998339387496 and cosangle -0.358340891287963 for sphere 15 Now colored sphere 15 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 15 Sphere 16 near OD1 ASP 66 Calculated angle as 140.055788859162 and cosangle -0.766669961712218 for sphere 16 Now colored sphere 16 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 16 Sphere 21 near N PHE 97 Sphere 21 near HN PHE 97 Calculated angle as 152.184784979996 and cosangle -0.884457094031215 for sphere 21 Now colored sphere 21 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 21 Sphere 39 near N SER 16 Sphere 39 near OG SER 16 Calculated angle as 112.498491520145 and cosangle -0.38265910838752 for sphere 39 Sphere 39 near HN SER 16 Calculated angle as 162.83398632854 and cosangle -0.955453600182414 for sphere 39 Now colored sphere 39 to color 3 Now colored sphere 39 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 39 Sphere 5 near OD1 ASP 66 Calculated angle as 135.494675173935 and cosangle -0.71318530654818 for sphere 5 Now colored sphere 5 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 5 Sphere 25 near N LYS 15 Sphere 25 near NZ LYS 15 Sphere 25 near HNZ1 LYS 15 Calculated angle as 127.8029809636 and cosangle -0.612948162715939 for sphere 25 Sphere 25 near HN LYS 15 Calculated angle as 125.186067811488 and cosangle -0.576233600083577 for sphere 25 Now colored sphere 25 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 25 Sphere 44 near HNE2 GLN 69 Calculated angle as 154.00536557422 and cosangle -0.898835094472989 for sphere 44 Now colored sphere 44 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Summary: colored 21 spheres POLAR, 22 spheres NONPOLAR, 2 spheres neither.