DOCK version 3.5.54, compiled on 20120216 CPU, Date, and Time: 21-Feb-12 23:13:18 Solvation type: full ligand desolvation Internal Distance Clashes will be checked Receptor spheres: ../../sph/match2.sph Receptor cluster number(s): 1 :dislim = 1.5000 maxnodes = 4 ratiom = 0.0000 minnodes = 3 :lbinsz = 0.4000 lovlap = 0.1000 sbinsz = 0.4000 sovlap = 0.1000 Input ligand: ../database_link/dbgen_lig_0002.db.gz DelPhi grid: ../../grids/rec+sph.phi vdW parms: ../../grids/vdw.parms.amb.mindock chemgrid prefix: ../../grids/chem resolution = 0.3300000 number of points = 1821948 a maximum of 1 bad contacts will be allowed for each orientation random seed = 777 natmin = 5 natmax = 100 nsav = 50000 300000 molecules may be searched in this run hydrogens always written out zooming will not be done trilinear interpolation is always done Orientation minimization: best conformation Simplex parameters: Max energy to minimize: 0.100E+16 Max step-size for translation (A): 0.20 Max step-size for euler angles: 5.00 Min energy change for restart (kcal/mol): 1.00 Energy convergence tolerance (kcal/mol): 0.10 Max number of iterations: 200 database version: 5.2 7 colors used in ligand database file 12 colors used in receptor sphere file ligand color positive 1 merged number = 1 ligand color negative 2 merged number = 2 ligand color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 ligand color donor 4 merged number = 4 ligand color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 ligand color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 ligand color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color positive 1 merged number = 1 receptor color negative 2 merged number = 2 receptor color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 receptor color donor 4 merged number = 4 receptor color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 receptor color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 receptor color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color not_neutral 8 merged number = 8 receptor color positive_or_donor 9 merged number = 9 receptor color negative_or_acceptor 10 merged number = 10 receptor color neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor 11 merged number = 11 receptor color donacc 12 merged number = 12 12 colors in merged ligand-sphere color table this is a run with labeled color matching: match positive negative match positive negative_or_acceptor match positive not_neutral match negative positive match negative positive_or_donor match negative not_neutral match donor acceptor match donor donacc match donor negative_or_acceptor match donor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match donor not_neutral match acceptor donor match acceptor donacc match acceptor positive_or_donor match acceptor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match acceptor not_neutral match neutral neutral match neutral neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match ester_o donor match ester_o donacc match ester_o positive_or_donor match ester_o not_neutral match amide_o donor match amide_o donacc match amide_o positive_or_donor match amide_o not_neutral 26 chemical matches specified grid min 4.811000 17.99700 64.24200 grid max 42.10100 60.89700 104.1720 using cluster number: 1 output file: test.eel1.gz Receptor spheres: 45 0 0 0 0 0 38 non-zero colors in receptor sphere cluster cluster 1 with 45 spheres 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 maximum receptor sphere-sphere distance 12.24758 mol# id_num matched nscored nhvy nconfs part.fcn Time E id_num nbr elect + vdW + polsol + apolsol = Total 1 520053 2220 1730816 37 540 1852.7 1.94 E 520053 4 -5.12 -30.40 61.23 -12.97 12.74 2 407991 2533 607241 39 3741 313.8 0.58 E 407991 4 -6.24 -29.48 43.79 -13.53 -5.46 3 407991 2149 2277713 39 165 2196.8 2.81 E 407991 2 -10.52 -26.80 43.79 -13.53 -7.06 4 407991 4425 1788148 39 4155 1030.0 1.66 E 407991 4 -15.37 -30.51 43.79 -13.53 -15.62 5 407991 1088 472012 39 451 126.1 0.53 E 407991 2 -3.54 -29.36 43.79 -13.53 -2.64 6 407991 5427 297006 39 1367 68.5 0.35 E 407991 2 -5.40 -31.42 43.79 -13.53 -6.56 7 407991 2540 510738 39 3948 305.1 0.57 E 407991 4 -9.46 -28.82 43.79 -13.53 -8.02 8 407991 2152 2594714 39 203 2334.0 2.84 E 407991 2 -9.40 -26.54 43.79 -13.53 -5.68 9 407991 2719 1455299 39 3120 898.0 1.65 E 407991 4 -14.95 -31.01 43.79 -13.53 -15.71 10 407991 994 385858 39 343 155.0 0.51 E 407991 2 -3.75 -29.77 43.79 -13.53 -3.26 11 407991 3789 160552 39 1561 35.8 0.23 E 407991 2 -5.27 -29.05 43.79 -13.53 -4.06 12 407991 2534 590513 39 4284 90.0 0.58 E 407991 4 -15.30 -29.57 43.79 -13.53 -14.61 13 407991 2143 2605839 39 222 2132.6 2.62 E 407991 2 -10.03 -24.24 43.79 -13.53 -4.02 14 407991 4175 2042566 39 6768 1337.3 2.25 E 407991 4 -15.19 -32.46 43.79 -13.53 -17.40 15 407991 1177 484252 39 442 230.0 0.71 E 407991 2 -2.62 -29.55 43.79 -13.53 -1.91 16 407991 3795 280586 39 1971 19.2 0.36 E 407991 2 -2.02 -33.47 43.79 -13.53 -5.23 17 407991 2533 575879 39 8064 408.0 0.67 E 407991 4 -12.01 -32.81 43.79 -13.53 -14.57 18 407991 2149 2832082 39 250 1454.5 3.54 E 407991 2 -9.22 -26.24 43.79 -13.53 -5.20 19 407991 4426 1635889 39 5454 258.0 1.89 E 407991 4 -12.77 -33.47 43.79 -13.53 -15.98 20 407991 1831 477647 39 541 448.0 0.77 E 407991 2 -0.79 -28.65 43.79 -13.53 0.82 21 407991 5427 338062 39 1735 25.4 0.47 E 407991 2 -7.70 -31.80 43.79 -13.53 -9.24 22 408010 2533 624494 41 5586 342.0 0.73 E 408010 4 -17.18 -29.92 89.31 -11.74 30.48 23 408010 2142 2578964 41 317 973.3 3.74 E 408010 2 -10.02 -25.65 89.31 -11.74 41.90 24 408010 4175 1983752 41 5040 482.1 2.25 E 408010 4 -19.16 -34.46 89.31 -11.74 23.95 25 408010 2377 609393 41 878 443.0 0.90 E 408010 2 -22.46 -21.68 89.31 -11.74 33.43 26 408010 3795 182609 41 1642 24.0 0.25 E 408010 2 -17.51 -29.73 89.31 -11.74 30.33 27 432555 2540 883553 37 7620 338.3 0.83 E 432555 4 -3.71 -30.78 20.99 -6.64 -20.14 28 432555 2727 1612878 37 65163 271.1 1.31 E 432555 4 -7.75 -38.41 20.99 -6.64 -31.81 29 432555 6748 3310299 37 3066 578.3 2.67 E 432555 2 -6.25 -33.50 20.99 -6.64 -25.39 30 432555 0 0 37 8061 0.00 no_match 31 460141 2535 1309609 31 380 186.1 1.25 E 460141 4 -17.23 -25.44 55.30 -6.54 6.09 32 460141 4051 2361849 31 1950 783.0 2.11 E 460141 4 -21.53 -29.24 55.30 -6.54 -2.01 33 460141 3595 895660 31 171 439.7 0.78 E 460141 2 -21.18 -21.51 55.30 -6.54 6.06 34 460141 2532 1303984 31 544 837.8 1.22 E 460141 4 -18.72 -26.93 55.30 -6.54 3.11 35 460141 4051 2552377 31 2964 2652.0 2.28 E 460141 4 -14.34 -34.83 55.30 -6.54 -0.41 36 460141 3478 1381100 31 218 1266.0 1.13 E 460141 2 -22.96 -16.97 55.30 -6.54 8.84 37 459602 2533 1349528 31 376 737.3 1.27 E 459602 4 -17.85 -23.97 67.21 -7.07 18.31 38 459602 4204 2394176 31 1560 14.9 2.13 E 459602 4 -22.05 -28.83 67.21 -7.07 9.26 39 459602 3585 927166 31 175 786.4 0.79 E 459602 2 -19.50 -24.87 67.21 -7.07 15.77 40 459602 2538 1340885 31 528 678.0 1.22 E 459602 4 -19.76 -22.04 67.21 -7.07 18.33 41 459602 4204 2655860 31 2808 2291.2 2.32 E 459602 4 -15.23 -34.38 67.21 -7.07 10.53 42 459602 3481 1324054 31 226 614.0 1.08 E 459602 2 -23.40 -21.69 67.21 -7.07 15.05 43 158592 1720 351862 27 72 226.2 0.33 E 158592 3 -4.55 -24.80 13.73 -5.58 -21.19 44 158592 4181 1294919 27 144 866.2 1.36 E 158592 4 -5.10 -26.05 13.73 -5.58 -23.00 45 158592 1959 706271 27 42 596.0 0.68 E 158592 3 -2.38 -28.49 13.73 -5.58 -22.72 46 158592 5912 1382160 27 72 1034.2 1.44 E 158592 2 -7.87 -21.80 13.73 -5.58 -21.52 47 158592 1723 380406 27 72 440.2 0.37 E 158592 3 -2.76 -28.13 13.73 -5.58 -22.74 48 158592 4181 879663 27 288 779.6 0.99 E 158592 4 -4.49 -28.75 13.73 -5.58 -25.09 49 158592 7899 1459977 27 42 2216.0 1.47 E 158592 3 -7.52 -24.95 13.73 -5.58 -24.33 50 158592 5911 1606427 27 42 1913.1 1.63 E 158592 2 -4.01 -26.20 13.73 -5.58 -22.06 51 14785 665 434807 29 2016 215.6 0.28 E 14785 4 -4.87 -29.12 15.77 -9.59 -27.81 52 14785 4032 1788290 29 744 1264.6 1.52 E 14785 2 -7.27 -26.47 15.77 -9.59 -27.56 53 221646 2037 955708 16 8 2722.9 0.70 E 221646 4 -11.94 -17.29 10.96 -0.75 -19.02 54 555094 3619 201601 35 9 444.4 0.39 E 555094 3 -12.88 -35.73 17.16 -6.08 -37.53 55 555094 5997 153902 35 9 280.6 0.31 E 555094 3 -6.56 -34.40 17.16 -6.08 -29.89 EOF: ../database_link/dbgen_lig_0002.db.gz end of file encountered total minimization steps = 4276661 for debugging, time = 70.17000 solvation corrected scores: (a) 1 555094 score: -37.532 nathvy = 35 nconfs = 9 2 432555 score: -31.811 nathvy = 37 nconfs = 65163 3 555094 score: -29.886 nathvy = 35 nconfs = 9 4 14785 score: -27.811 nathvy = 29 nconfs = 2016 5 14785 score: -27.561 nathvy = 29 nconfs = 744 6 432555 score: -25.395 nathvy = 37 nconfs = 3066 7 158592 score: -25.091 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 288 8 158592 score: -24.328 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 42 9 158592 score: -22.997 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 144 10 158592 score: -22.740 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 72 11 158592 score: -22.716 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 42 12 158592 score: -22.060 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 42 13 158592 score: -21.521 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 72 14 158592 score: -21.193 nathvy = 27 nconfs = 72 15 432555 score: -20.143 nathvy = 37 nconfs = 7620 16 221646 score: -19.022 nathvy = 16 nconfs = 8 17 407991 score: -17.397 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 6768 18 407991 score: -15.983 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 5454 19 407991 score: -15.706 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 3120 20 407991 score: -15.617 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 4155 21 407991 score: -14.613 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 4284 22 407991 score: -14.565 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 8064 23 407991 score: -9.240 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 1735 24 407991 score: -8.017 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 3948 25 407991 score: -7.055 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 165 26 407991 score: -6.561 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 1367 27 407991 score: -5.677 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 203 28 407991 score: -5.461 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 3741 29 407991 score: -5.233 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 1971 30 407991 score: -5.195 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 250 31 407991 score: -4.060 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 1561 32 407991 score: -4.015 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 222 33 407991 score: -3.262 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 343 34 407991 score: -2.640 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 451 35 460141 score: -2.010 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 1950 36 407991 score: -1.911 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 442 37 460141 score: -0.410 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 2964 38 407991 score: 0.820 nathvy = 39 nconfs = 541 39 460141 score: 3.109 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 544 40 460141 score: 6.064 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 171 41 460141 score: 6.085 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 380 42 460141 score: 8.836 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 218 43 459602 score: 9.258 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 1560 44 459602 score: 10.531 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 2808 45 520053 score: 12.740 nathvy = 37 nconfs = 540 46 459602 score: 15.053 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 226 47 459602 score: 15.770 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 175 48 459602 score: 18.315 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 376 49 459602 score: 18.332 nathvy = 31 nconfs = 528 50 408010 score: 23.952 nathvy = 41 nconfs = 5040 51 408010 score: 30.326 nathvy = 41 nconfs = 1642 52 408010 score: 30.475 nathvy = 41 nconfs = 5586 53 408010 score: 33.427 nathvy = 41 nconfs = 878 54 408010 score: 41.902 nathvy = 41 nconfs = 317 Date and Time: 21-Feb-12 23:14:56 elapsed time (sec): 70.2300