X+ Y+ Z+ Z+ Y- Y+ Z+ X- Z+ Y+ Z+ Z+ Y+ Y+ Z+ Y+ After creating box around spheres, box is too small (571922.67406569 < 1500000), so increasing its size Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 100.189702664129 19.2426351094196 147.93890152236 Center of current box is (x y z): 104.72506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 89.438 7.683 127.88371 120.01212 34.75085 153.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 683830.147215499 **BOX SIZE is now: 31.57412 29.06785 27.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 104.22506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 88.438 6.683 126.88371 120.01212 35.75085 154.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 808677.286125308 **BOX SIZE is now: 32.57412 31.06785 29.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 103.72506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 87.438 5.683 125.88371 120.01212 36.75085 155.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 947112.090795117 **BOX SIZE is now: 33.57412 33.06785 31.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 103.22506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 86.438 4.683 124.88371 120.01212 37.75085 156.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1099782.56122493 **BOX SIZE is now: 34.57412 35.06785 33.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 102.72506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 85.438 3.683 123.88371 120.01212 38.75085 157.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1267336.69741473 **BOX SIZE is now: 35.57412 37.06785 35.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 102.22506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 84.438 2.683 122.88371 120.01212 39.75085 158.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1450422.49936454 **BOX SIZE is now: 36.57412 39.06785 37.59563 Center of current box is (x y z): 101.72506 21.216925 140.681525 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 83.438 1.683 121.88371 120.01212 40.75085 159.47934 D1X- D1Y- D2Y+ D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1608024.58232522 **BOX SIZE is now: 37.57412 41.06785 38.59563 Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 100.189702664129 19.2426351094196 147.93890152236 Center of current box is (x y z): 101.22506 21.216925 141.181525 Diagonals of current box is (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 82.438 0.683 121.88371 120.01212 41.75085 160.47934 Limit diagonals to 8.3f : 82.438 0.683 121.884 120.012 41.751 160.479