*on* Sphere 36 near O GLY 80 Calculated angle as 120.248623143951 and cosangle -0.50375321835304 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near N LEU 82 Sphere 36 near HN LEU 82 Calculated angle as 138.531020734753 and cosangle -0.749314362744078 for sphere 36 Now colored sphere 36 to color 3 Now colored sphere 36 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 36 Sphere 41 near OE1 GLU 120 Calculated angle as 93.6516314199974 and cosangle -0.0636898539990666 for sphere 41 Sphere 41 near OE2 GLU 120 Calculated angle as 95.5478237763794 and cosangle -0.0966765586828033 for sphere 41 Sphere 41 near NE2 HIS 123 Calculated angle as 82.8012381039311 and cosangle 0.125311794938211 for sphere 41 Now colored sphere 41 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 41 Sphere 10 near O ILE 140 Calculated angle as 144.871146530169 and cosangle -0.81786004792246 for sphere 10 Sphere 10 near N THR 142 Sphere 10 near OG1 THR 142 Calculated angle as 140.701134530367 and cosangle -0.77385275133347 for sphere 10 Now colored sphere 10 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 10 Sphere 42 near O ALA 83 Calculated angle as 137.461318443332 and cosangle -0.736821064009169 for sphere 42 Sphere 42 near OE2 GLU 120 Calculated angle as 109.442595362301 and cosangle -0.332862259406174 for sphere 42 Now colored sphere 42 to color 3 Now colored sphere 42 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 18 near NE2 HIS 119 Calculated angle as 125.283875556946 and cosangle -0.577627920291297 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near NE2 HIS 129 Calculated angle as 116.274398366248 and cosangle -0.44267056706152 for sphere 18 Sphere 18 near O PRO 139 Calculated angle as 101.111102927674 and cosangle -0.19271212039755 for sphere 18 Now colored sphere 18 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 18 Sphere 43 near N LEU 82 Sphere 43 near HN LEU 82 Calculated angle as 158.597360621501 and cosangle -0.931039006517324 for sphere 43 Now colored sphere 43 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 39 near O PRO 139 Calculated angle as 124.495372479166 and cosangle -0.566339674134792 for sphere 39 Sphere 39 near N TYR 141 Sphere 39 near HN TYR 141 Calculated angle as 130.918929750348 and cosangle -0.654990501738353 for sphere 39 Now colored sphere 39 to color 3 Now colored sphere 39 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 39 Sphere 35 near NE2 HIS 129 Calculated angle as 131.395264121812 and cosangle -0.661249861383588 for sphere 35 Sphere 35 near O PRO 139 Calculated angle as 116.707801992111 and cosangle -0.44944064523438 for sphere 35 Now colored sphere 35 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 35 Sphere 19 near OE2 GLU 120 Calculated angle as 153.005170711997 and cosangle -0.891047491363561 for sphere 19 Now colored sphere 19 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 19 Sphere 25 near NE2 HIS 129 Calculated angle as 153.571295759242 and cosangle -0.89548889295097 for sphere 25 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 25 Sphere 31 near OE2 GLU 120 Calculated angle as 137.12469273431 and cosangle -0.732836200691844 for sphere 31 Now colored sphere 31 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 31 Sphere 44 near N TYR 141 Sphere 44 near HN TYR 141 Calculated angle as 151.50022698212 and cosangle -0.878819002960303 for sphere 44 Now colored sphere 44 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 11 near N TYR 141 Sphere 11 near O TYR 141 Calculated angle as 111.19142652752 and cosangle -0.361485057460974 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 17 near O ALA 83 Calculated angle as 122.693441947573 and cosangle -0.540143997945442 for sphere 17 Now colored sphere 17 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 17 Sphere 45 near O PRO 139 Calculated angle as 151.423204982741 and cosangle -0.878176775222891 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Sphere 6 near O THR 142 Calculated angle as 146.280937514123 and cosangle -0.831769477604481 for sphere 6 Now colored sphere 6 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 6 Summary: colored 15 spheres POLAR, 23 spheres NONPOLAR, 7 spheres neither.