*on* Sphere 28 near O GLY 29 Calculated angle as 105.314139915062 and cosangle -0.264111083194912 for sphere 28 Sphere 28 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 157.319124129028 and cosangle -0.922666845404555 for sphere 28 Now colored sphere 28 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 28 Sphere 7 near N VAL 30 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 7 Sphere 33 near ND1 HIS 47 Sphere 33 near HND HIS 47 Calculated angle as 149.295229548297 and cosangle -0.859809760767862 for sphere 33 Sphere 33 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 156.922181392874 and cosangle -0.919973317127774 for sphere 33 Now colored sphere 33 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 33 Sphere 27 near O TYR 21 Calculated angle as 107.087128666929 and cosangle -0.293825601646303 for sphere 27 Now colored sphere 27 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 27 Sphere 42 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 95.9718410110484 and cosangle -0.104039675900345 for sphere 42 Now colored sphere 42 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 13 near NZ LYS 52 Sphere 13 near HNZ3 LYS 52 Calculated angle as 130.784751922919 and cosangle -0.653219122402975 for sphere 13 Now colored sphere 13 to color 9 9 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 13 Sphere 21 near N GLY 29 Sphere 21 near HN GLY 29 Calculated angle as 142.000342541675 and cosangle -0.788014434312591 for sphere 21 Sphere 21 near SG CYS 44 Calculated angle as 113.188375892798 and cosangle -0.393755428278699 for sphere 21 Now colored sphere 21 to color 4 Now colored sphere 21 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 21 Sphere 43 near N GLY 31 Sphere 43 near O GLY 31 Calculated angle as 100.068232554192 and cosangle -0.174820844798942 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near HN GLY 31 Calculated angle as 146.188103726576 and cosangle -0.830868948183222 for sphere 43 Sphere 43 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 94.5930792005815 and cosangle -0.0800785220891146 for sphere 43 Now colored sphere 43 to color 4 Now colored sphere 43 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 2 near N VAL 30 Sphere 2 near HN VAL 30 Calculated angle as 137.725771543815 and cosangle -0.739933740027654 for sphere 2 Now colored sphere 2 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 2 Sphere 31 near O GLY 29 Calculated angle as 129.032288755739 and cosangle -0.629758247893815 for sphere 31 Sphere 31 near N GLY 31 Sphere 31 near HN GLY 31 Calculated angle as 142.293803127145 and cosangle -0.791157388122539 for sphere 31 Sphere 31 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 116.598316120834 and cosangle -0.447732809135943 for sphere 31 Now colored sphere 31 to color 3 Now colored sphere 31 to color 12 Now colored sphere 31 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 31 Sphere 44 near ND1 HIS 47 Sphere 44 near HND HIS 47 Calculated angle as 145.172979620527 and cosangle -0.820879972402175 for sphere 44 Sphere 44 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 132.418678544563 and cosangle -0.674543089741379 for sphere 44 Now colored sphere 44 to color 4 Now colored sphere 44 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 11 near O GLY 29 Calculated angle as 118.160266433039 and cosangle -0.47193948359043 for sphere 11 Sphere 11 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 138.402663930377 and cosangle -0.747828958512128 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 Now colored sphere 11 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 17 near ND1 HIS 47 Sphere 17 near HND HIS 47 Calculated angle as 138.524082509887 and cosangle -0.749234166478072 for sphere 17 Now colored sphere 17 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 17 Sphere 45 near O HIS 27 Calculated angle as 142.593280665081 and cosangle -0.794343385363988 for sphere 45 Sphere 45 near N GLY 29 Sphere 45 near O GLY 29 Calculated angle as 119.035475557525 and cosangle -0.485351061440485 for sphere 45 Sphere 45 near HN GLY 29 Calculated angle as 134.158518382247 and cosangle -0.696645883495359 for sphere 45 Sphere 45 near OD2 ASP 48 Calculated angle as 124.8524357291 and cosangle -0.571464824725762 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 3 Now colored sphere 45 to color 12 Now colored sphere 45 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Sphere 32 near O LEU 2 Calculated angle as 121.390554090772 and cosangle -0.520868906484274 for sphere 32 Now colored sphere 32 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 32 Summary: colored 14 spheres POLAR, 29 spheres NONPOLAR, 2 spheres neither.