receptor pdb file: rec.crg receptor parameters will be read from: prot.table.ambcrg.ambH van der Waals parameter file: vdw.parms.amb.mindock input box file defining grid location: box box center coordinates [x y z]: 1.287000 65.31100 83.62700 box x-dimension = 38.03400 box y-dimension = 37.68900 box z-dimension = 39.05000 grid spacing in angstroms 0.3300000 grid points per side [x y z]: 117 116 120 total number of grid points = 1628640 a distance-dependent dielectric will be used the dielectric function will be multiplied by 4.00 cutoff distance for energy calculations: 10.00000 distances defining bumps with receptor atoms: receptor polar atoms 2.30 receptor carbon atoms 2.60 output grid prefix name: chem