DOCK version 3.5.54, compiled on 20120216 CPU, Date, and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:16:25 Solvation type: context-dependent ligand desolvation Internal Distance Clashes will be checked Receptor spheres: ../../sph/match2.sph Receptor cluster number(s): 1 Desolvation grid: ../../grids/solvmap_sev :dislim = 1.5000 maxnodes = 4 ratiom = 0.0000 minnodes = 3 :lbinsz = 0.4000 lovlap = 0.1000 sbinsz = 0.4000 sovlap = 0.1000 Input ligand: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_cox1_0001.db.gz DelPhi grid: ../../grids/rec+sph.phi vdW parms: ../../grids/vdw.parms.amb.mindock chemgrid prefix: ../../grids/chem resolution = 0.3300000 number of points = 1694336 a maximum of 1 bad contacts will be allowed for each orientation random seed = 777 natmin = 5 natmax = 100 nsav = 50000 300000 molecules may be searched in this run hydrogens always written out zooming will not be done trilinear interpolation is always done Orientation minimization: best conformation Simplex parameters: Max energy to minimize: 0.100E+16 Max step-size for translation (A): 0.20 Max step-size for euler angles: 5.00 Min energy change for restart (kcal/mol): 1.00 Energy convergence tolerance (kcal/mol): 0.10 Max number of iterations: 200 database version: 5.2 7 colors used in ligand database file 12 colors used in receptor sphere file ligand color positive 1 merged number = 1 ligand color negative 2 merged number = 2 ligand color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 ligand color donor 4 merged number = 4 ligand color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 ligand color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 ligand color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color positive 1 merged number = 1 receptor color negative 2 merged number = 2 receptor color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 receptor color donor 4 merged number = 4 receptor color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 receptor color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 receptor color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color not_neutral 8 merged number = 8 receptor color positive_or_donor 9 merged number = 9 receptor color negative_or_acceptor 10 merged number = 10 receptor color neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor 11 merged number = 11 receptor color donacc 12 merged number = 12 12 colors in merged ligand-sphere color table this is a run with labeled color matching: match positive negative match positive negative_or_acceptor match positive not_neutral match negative positive match negative positive_or_donor match negative not_neutral match donor acceptor match donor donacc match donor negative_or_acceptor match donor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match donor not_neutral match acceptor donor match acceptor donacc match acceptor positive_or_donor match acceptor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match acceptor not_neutral match neutral neutral match neutral neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match ester_o donor match ester_o donacc match ester_o positive_or_donor match ester_o not_neutral match amide_o donor match amide_o donacc match amide_o positive_or_donor match amide_o not_neutral 26 chemical matches specified grid min 0.9210014 32.04800 -7.577000 grid max 40.42100 68.04800 32.42300 using cluster number: 1 output file: test.eel1.gz Receptor spheres: 45 0 0 0 0 0 43 non-zero colors in receptor sphere cluster cluster 1 with 45 spheres 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 maximum receptor sphere-sphere distance 12.98240 mol# id_num matched nscored nhvy nconfs part.fcn Time E id_num nbr elect + vdW + polsol + apolsol = Total 1 C03812990 6174 108297 19 6 236.0 0.36 E C03812990 2 -2.09 -20.68 25.55 -4.96 -2.19 2 C03812990 1571 87813 19 6 101.5 0.13 E C03812990 2 -0.57 -23.41 22.79 -4.80 -5.99 3 C03814488 2677 613141 10 2 1389.2 0.72 E C03814488 2 -6.79 -18.79 23.12 -1.81 -4.28 4 C03814489 6879 185888 19 16 200.0 0.30 E C03814489 2 -3.65 -25.82 29.16 -5.55 -5.85 5 C03814489 6711 1315092 19 32 411.3 1.32 E C03814489 3 -8.76 -27.03 25.73 -5.69 -15.75 6 C00901016 1827 11720 25 12 0.0 0.03 E C00901016 3 6.28 15.28 38.37 -5.35 54.59 7 C00901016 1827 12230 25 12 14.0 0.03 E C00901016 3 5.11 34.39 37.78 -5.55 71.73 8 C03814490 7940 421121 25 112 457.3 0.52 E C03814490 4 3.10 -24.45 25.82 -6.28 -1.80 9 C03814490 11240 119796 25 18 65.6 0.31 E C03814490 2 -6.38 19.47 28.11 -6.52 34.68 10 C03812985 7608 155083 18 4 118.5 0.44 E C03812985 2 -2.13 -26.99 30.00 -5.13 -4.25 11 C03812985 1571 34006 18 4 98.0 0.10 E C03812985 2 -10.18 -18.20 25.28 -5.27 -8.37 12 C03814498 2948 64704 21 24 40.0 0.15 E C03814498 2 -5.31 -19.22 24.50 -2.31 -2.35 13 C03814498 4801 864431 21 96 637.2 0.93 E C03814498 3 -9.80 -35.51 27.43 -2.30 -20.18 14 C00012342 5034 380370 22 928 116.0 0.37 E C00012342 4 0.24 -14.88 7.19 -0.26 -7.72 15 C00012342 5034 285003 22 928 46.0 0.30 E C00012342 4 -1.82 -16.62 7.18 -0.25 -11.51 16 C00001995 5027 25869 21 1 90.7 0.16 E C00001995 1 -4.17 -27.17 8.78 -4.88 -27.44 17 C00001995 5024 25627 21 1 58.6 0.16 E C00001995 1 -4.10 -27.32 8.80 -4.87 -27.49 18 C04617751 1827 13723 25 16 18.0 0.04 E C04617751 3 -1.41 37.43 40.43 -5.82 70.63 19 C04617751 1827 15254 25 16 8.0 0.04 E C04617751 3 -0.87 54.40 41.18 -5.98 88.72 20 C03814499 8366 318227 21 18 261.8 0.67 E C03814499 3 -9.25 -30.87 31.82 -5.69 -13.99 21 C03814499 7688 64584 21 6 56.0 0.28 E C03814499 2 -8.37 -30.27 31.73 -5.66 -12.57 22 C04617752 1827 4986 26 8 8.0 0.02 E C04617752 3 -9.44 93.25 34.99 -5.54 113.25 23 C04617752 1827 5079 26 8 6.0 0.02 E C04617752 3 -2.28 209.13 37.37 -5.32 238.89 24 C03814501 7299 826138 18 8 1724.7 1.28 E C03814501 3 -11.73 -26.08 22.78 -5.65 -20.68 25 C03814501 9279 148050 18 4 278.0 0.39 E C03814501 2 -13.40 -14.74 25.52 -5.43 -8.05 26 C03812986 1867 151595 18 6 315.9 0.25 E C03812986 3 -11.57 -29.28 23.22 -3.92 -21.55 27 C03812986 7219 291686 18 6 282.0 0.47 E C03812986 2 -9.13 -27.32 24.28 -3.98 -16.15 28 C03786190 2886 860443 17 8 489.5 1.21 E C03786190 3 -11.18 -27.76 25.20 -4.02 -17.75 29 C03814496 3695 1732727 22 3102 943.6 1.35 E C03814496 3 -8.78 -31.84 37.07 -6.14 -9.69 30 C03814496 3695 868730 22 338 371.1 0.68 E C03814496 3 -8.40 -33.13 33.49 -6.71 -14.76 31 C01845036 12157 1236956 16 4 4213.5 2.41 E C01845036 2 -6.33 -23.64 5.21 -2.62 -27.37 32 C01845036 4105 231268 16 4 830.2 0.48 E C01845036 2 -6.30 -23.55 5.22 -2.61 -27.24 33 C03812982 3695 1520543 13 12 3523.2 1.54 E C03812982 3 -10.86 -19.83 25.47 -3.56 -8.78 34 C03783275 8366 278407 22 20 267.9 0.44 E C03783275 3 -7.45 -31.89 32.45 -6.17 -13.07 35 C03783275 7691 45568 22 6 28.2 0.19 E C03783275 2 -2.99 -25.45 35.84 -6.19 1.20 36 C03814495 10801 5367433 18 64 4434.0 4.71 E C03814495 3 -11.39 -29.85 25.04 -4.73 -20.93 37 C03814495 2958 265780 18 22 308.0 0.33 E C03814495 2 -6.28 -23.32 30.83 -4.66 -3.44 38 C03801048 6142 246999 25 28 299.9 0.40 E C03801048 4 -8.75 -14.28 25.91 -6.21 -3.34 39 C03801048 11240 65780 25 14 8.0 0.27 E C03801048 2 -9.28 7.79 25.97 -6.23 18.24 40 C03814494 10825 5822476 18 90 3061.3 5.09 E C03814494 3 -10.74 -30.19 25.71 -4.58 -19.81 41 C03814494 2958 262490 18 22 356.0 0.33 E C03814494 2 -3.53 -23.47 29.65 -4.68 -2.03 42 C03812962 10801 1050781 19 14 284.5 1.41 E C03812962 2 -2.32 -24.02 24.37 -5.41 -7.38 43 C03812962 8901 1882353 19 32 2946.0 2.35 E C03812962 3 -2.63 -28.27 24.30 -5.35 -11.95 44 C03783571 9500 182122 19 2 79.6 0.41 E C03783571 2 0.98 -22.13 24.44 -5.22 -1.92 45 C03783571 8831 178155 19 2 150.4 0.38 E C03783571 2 0.84 -22.34 24.46 -5.23 -2.27 46 C03814491 7719 432870 20 18 510.6 0.65 E C03814491 2 -7.57 -26.25 23.05 -4.84 -15.62 47 C03814491 3845 393800 20 36 472.2 0.41 E C03814491 3 -9.31 -27.08 22.52 -5.29 -19.16 EOF: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_cox1_0001.db.gz end of file encountered total minimization steps = 4112488 for debugging, time = 36.21000 solvation corrected scores: (a) 1 C00001995 score: -27.493 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 1 2 C00001995 score: -27.440 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 1 3 C01845036 score: -27.368 nathvy = 16 nconfs = 4 4 C01845036 score: -27.242 nathvy = 16 nconfs = 4 5 C03812986 score: -21.553 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 6 6 C03814495 score: -20.930 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 64 7 C03814501 score: -20.684 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 8 8 C03814498 score: -20.178 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 96 9 C03814494 score: -19.808 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 90 10 C03814491 score: -19.159 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 36 11 C03786190 score: -17.754 nathvy = 17 nconfs = 8 12 C03812986 score: -16.150 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 6 13 C03814489 score: -15.755 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 32 14 C03814491 score: -15.615 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 18 15 C03814496 score: -14.760 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 338 16 C03814499 score: -13.990 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 18 17 C03783275 score: -13.067 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 20 18 C03814499 score: -12.571 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 6 19 C03812962 score: -11.953 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 32 20 C00012342 score: -11.513 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 928 21 C03814496 score: -9.688 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 3102 22 C03812982 score: -8.780 nathvy = 13 nconfs = 12 23 C03812985 score: -8.372 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 4 24 C03814501 score: -8.052 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 4 25 C00012342 score: -7.716 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 928 26 C03812962 score: -7.381 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 14 27 C03812990 score: -5.988 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 6 28 C03814489 score: -5.848 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 16 29 C03814488 score: -4.281 nathvy = 10 nconfs = 2 30 C03812985 score: -4.252 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 4 31 C03814495 score: -3.437 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 22 32 C03801048 score: -3.336 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 28 33 C03814498 score: -2.346 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 24 34 C03783571 score: -2.272 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 35 C03812990 score: -2.187 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 6 36 C03814494 score: -2.031 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 22 37 C03783571 score: -1.924 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 38 C03814490 score: -1.800 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 112 39 C03783275 score: 1.202 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 6 40 C03801048 score: 18.241 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 14 41 C03814490 score: 34.676 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 18 42 C00901016 score: 54.586 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 12 43 C04617751 score: 70.632 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 16 44 C00901016 score: 71.727 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 12 45 C04617751 score: 88.723 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 16 46 C04617752 score: 113.248 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 8 47 C04617752 score: 238.891 nathvy = 26 nconfs = 8 Date and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:17:04 elapsed time (sec): 36.2500