X- Y- Z+ X+ Y- Z+ Y- X+ Z+ After creating box around spheres, box is too small (878543.74063211 < 1500000), so increasing its size Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 0.793305977710231 0.346772543059777 19.1377877406282 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.723 1.664675 9.6495 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -18.066 -16.14035 -7.543 14.62 12.811 26.842 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1054678.17614801 **BOX SIZE is now: 34.686 30.95135 36.385 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.723 1.664675 9.6495 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -19.066 -17.14035 -8.543 15.62 13.811 27.842 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1252849.43926391 **BOX SIZE is now: 36.686 32.95135 38.385 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.723 1.664675 9.6495 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -20.066 -18.14035 -9.543 16.62 14.811 28.842 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1474353.52997981 **BOX SIZE is now: 38.686 34.95135 40.385 Center of current box is (x y z): 1.723 1.664675 9.6495 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -21.066 -19.14035 -10.543 17.62 15.811 29.842 D1X- D2X+ D1Y- D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1720486.44829571 **BOX SIZE is now: 40.686 36.95135 42.385 Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 0.793305977710231 0.346772543059777 19.1377877406282 Center of current box is (x y z): -1.723 -1.664675 9.6495 Diagonals of current box is (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -22.066 -20.14035 -11.543 18.62 16.811 30.842 Limit diagonals to 8.3f : -22.066 -20.140 -11.543 18.620 16.811 30.842