DOCK version 3.5.54, compiled on 20120216 CPU, Date, and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:16:53 Solvation type: context-dependent ligand desolvation Internal Distance Clashes will be checked Receptor spheres: ../../sph/match2.sph Receptor cluster number(s): 1 Desolvation grid: ../../grids/solvmap_sev :dislim = 1.5000 maxnodes = 4 ratiom = 0.0000 minnodes = 3 :lbinsz = 0.4000 lovlap = 0.1000 sbinsz = 0.4000 sovlap = 0.1000 Input ligand: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_pr_0001.db.gz DelPhi grid: ../../grids/rec+sph.phi vdW parms: ../../grids/vdw.parms.amb.mindock chemgrid prefix: ../../grids/chem resolution = 0.3300000 number of points = 1627236 a maximum of 1 bad contacts will be allowed for each orientation random seed = 777 natmin = 5 natmax = 100 nsav = 50000 300000 molecules may be searched in this run hydrogens always written out zooming will not be done trilinear interpolation is always done Orientation minimization: best conformation Simplex parameters: Max energy to minimize: 0.100E+16 Max step-size for translation (A): 0.20 Max step-size for euler angles: 5.00 Min energy change for restart (kcal/mol): 1.00 Energy convergence tolerance (kcal/mol): 0.10 Max number of iterations: 200 database version: 5.2 7 colors used in ligand database file 12 colors used in receptor sphere file ligand color positive 1 merged number = 1 ligand color negative 2 merged number = 2 ligand color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 ligand color donor 4 merged number = 4 ligand color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 ligand color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 ligand color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color positive 1 merged number = 1 receptor color negative 2 merged number = 2 receptor color acceptor 3 merged number = 3 receptor color donor 4 merged number = 4 receptor color ester_o 5 merged number = 5 receptor color amide_o 6 merged number = 6 receptor color neutral 7 merged number = 7 receptor color not_neutral 8 merged number = 8 receptor color positive_or_donor 9 merged number = 9 receptor color negative_or_acceptor 10 merged number = 10 receptor color neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor 11 merged number = 11 receptor color donacc 12 merged number = 12 12 colors in merged ligand-sphere color table this is a run with labeled color matching: match positive negative match positive negative_or_acceptor match positive not_neutral match negative positive match negative positive_or_donor match negative not_neutral match donor acceptor match donor donacc match donor negative_or_acceptor match donor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match donor not_neutral match acceptor donor match acceptor donacc match acceptor positive_or_donor match acceptor neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match acceptor not_neutral match neutral neutral match neutral neutral_or_acceptor_or_donor match ester_o donor match ester_o donacc match ester_o positive_or_donor match ester_o not_neutral match amide_o donor match amide_o donacc match amide_o positive_or_donor match amide_o not_neutral 26 chemical matches specified grid min -21.26100 -27.58300 10.13500 grid max 16.23900 11.91700 47.13500 using cluster number: 1 output file: test.eel1.gz Receptor spheres: 45 0 0 0 0 0 41 non-zero colors in receptor sphere cluster cluster 1 with 45 spheres 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 maximum receptor sphere-sphere distance 12.10719 mol# id_num matched nscored nhvy nconfs part.fcn Time E id_num nbr elect + vdW + polsol + apolsol = Total 1 C03832324 6704 250146 20 4 785.5 0.70 E C03832324 2 -1.92 -33.59 4.48 -4.99 -36.02 2 C03832324 6665 57977 20 4 146.1 0.25 E C03832324 2 -1.35 -29.54 4.53 -4.85 -31.21 3 C03832324 6705 234937 20 4 522.7 0.62 E C03832324 2 0.07 -31.04 4.62 -5.18 -31.52 4 C03832324 6665 63968 20 4 79.4 0.26 E C03832324 2 2.21 -31.91 4.50 -5.00 -30.21 5 C03832311 6665 68079 21 3 156.2 0.23 E C03832311 2 -5.07 -30.67 5.25 -5.41 -35.90 6 C03832311 660 29704 21 3 57.2 0.08 E C03832311 2 -4.71 -30.61 5.31 -5.42 -35.44 7 C03832311 6711 66154 21 3 190.3 0.23 E C03832311 2 -3.71 -32.26 5.24 -5.43 -36.16 8 C03832311 657 32998 21 3 85.5 0.09 E C03832311 2 -2.32 -32.88 5.45 -5.47 -35.22 9 C03832321 6876 167302 20 2 526.0 0.48 E C03832321 2 -4.18 -33.62 5.31 -4.44 -36.93 10 C03832321 1606 23803 20 2 46.0 0.09 E C03832321 2 -4.17 -33.52 5.32 -4.44 -36.82 11 C03832321 6884 136023 20 2 444.6 0.39 E C03832321 2 -2.92 -33.57 5.10 -4.43 -35.82 12 C03832321 1606 25044 20 2 72.0 0.09 E C03832321 2 -1.69 -32.18 5.08 -4.45 -33.24 13 C03814367 9238 0 33 1 0.04 bump 14 C03814367 9248 0 33 1 0.04 bump 15 C03814367 8797 0 33 1 0.04 bump 16 C03814367 8797 0 33 1 0.04 bump 17 C03832325 6665 326292 18 2 862.7 0.82 E C03832325 2 -0.48 -29.83 2.65 -4.75 -32.42 18 C03832325 2505 41921 18 2 90.0 0.13 E C03832325 2 -0.41 -29.66 2.66 -4.76 -32.18 19 C03832325 6712 319346 18 2 1013.5 0.81 E C03832325 2 -1.37 -30.19 2.41 -4.74 -33.89 20 C03832325 2509 34405 18 2 37.1 0.11 E C03832325 2 -1.35 -30.12 2.41 -4.75 -33.81 21 C03832313 5164 41241 21 3 112.0 0.18 E C03832313 2 -0.81 -28.71 3.48 -5.44 -31.49 22 C03832313 8709 116965 21 3 328.5 0.41 E C03832313 2 -0.74 -28.71 3.47 -5.45 -31.43 23 C03832313 5164 38923 21 3 63.8 0.17 E C03832313 2 -0.87 -28.10 3.44 -5.56 -31.09 24 C03832313 4827 81883 21 3 54.6 0.26 E C03832313 2 -0.91 -28.38 3.44 -5.58 -31.43 25 C03832315 4418 59082 19 3 79.7 0.22 E C03832315 2 -2.93 -31.23 2.37 -5.19 -36.99 26 C03832315 6694 302986 19 3 807.5 0.83 E C03832315 2 -2.87 -31.76 2.39 -5.24 -37.47 27 C03832315 4418 56302 19 3 79.7 0.21 E C03832315 2 -0.14 -30.81 2.34 -5.29 -33.90 28 C03832315 6716 279899 19 3 586.4 0.77 E C03832315 2 -1.36 -32.00 2.30 -5.15 -36.22 29 C03832323 6662 128998 20 3 379.3 0.39 E C03832323 2 -4.01 -31.92 6.63 -4.64 -33.93 30 C03832323 2188 39160 20 3 89.7 0.12 E C03832323 2 -4.88 -30.71 6.64 -4.64 -33.59 31 C03832323 6715 126250 20 3 406.0 0.37 E C03832323 2 -3.25 -32.76 6.56 -4.65 -34.10 32 C03832323 2185 39077 20 3 52.8 0.12 E C03832323 2 -3.57 -31.21 6.46 -4.63 -32.95 33 C03832322 6669 97316 20 2 248.6 0.31 E C03832322 2 -1.72 -28.78 4.21 -5.02 -31.31 34 C03832322 3299 39086 20 2 63.2 0.13 E C03832322 2 -1.88 -27.93 4.23 -5.04 -30.63 35 C03832322 6722 90764 20 2 291.5 0.28 E C03832322 2 -4.12 -29.04 4.22 -5.17 -34.12 36 C03832322 3303 39501 20 2 84.0 0.14 E C03832322 2 -2.71 -30.65 4.34 -5.17 -34.18 37 C03832312 6876 159883 20 2 513.7 0.44 E C03832312 2 -3.89 -33.43 4.13 -4.96 -38.15 38 C03832312 3756 33259 20 2 59.3 0.14 E C03832312 2 -3.55 -33.26 4.15 -4.95 -37.61 39 C03832312 6885 134062 20 2 420.3 0.38 E C03832312 2 -3.53 -33.32 4.21 -4.95 -37.59 40 C03832312 3973 40640 20 2 17.1 0.16 E C03832312 2 -3.39 -33.27 4.24 -4.96 -37.39 41 C03814369 7862 7330 25 3 18.0 0.05 E C03814369 2 -2.28 45.42 5.84 -5.46 43.52 42 C03814369 4725 8152 25 3 5.3 0.05 E C03814369 2 -3.27 28.48 5.95 -5.81 25.36 43 C03832314 6665 183891 19 2 576.9 0.49 E C03832314 2 -0.51 -27.42 2.16 -5.10 -30.86 44 C03832314 3320 45240 19 2 54.3 0.15 E C03832314 2 -0.58 -26.76 2.16 -5.09 -30.27 45 C03832314 6702 177055 19 2 540.1 0.46 E C03832314 2 -1.83 -31.62 2.16 -5.25 -36.54 46 C03832314 3321 37358 19 2 84.3 0.14 E C03832314 2 -1.94 -30.63 2.15 -5.26 -35.68 47 C03814382 4131 0 32 3 0.02 bump 48 C03814382 4132 0 32 3 0.02 bump 49 C03814382 3912 0 32 3 0.01 bump 50 C03814382 3927 0 32 3 0.02 bump 51 C03814382 4455 0 32 3 0.02 bump 52 C03814382 4455 0 32 3 0.02 bump 53 C03814382 4196 0 32 3 0.03 bump 54 C03814382 4207 0 32 3 0.02 bump 55 C03832318 6704 187180 19 2 562.6 0.49 E C03832318 2 -0.50 -27.31 2.18 -5.21 -30.84 56 C03832318 2131 27856 19 2 15.1 0.09 E C03832318 2 -0.57 -26.81 2.18 -5.21 -30.41 57 C03832318 6709 179575 19 2 542.8 0.47 E C03832318 2 -1.74 -30.57 2.16 -5.32 -35.48 58 C03832318 2130 23837 19 2 56.4 0.09 E C03832318 2 0.06 -31.05 2.33 -5.33 -33.99 59 C03834060 1940 7716 24 3 8.0 0.05 E C03834060 2 -1.47 14.82 5.66 -4.34 14.66 60 C03832317 5469 17586 21 2 6.0 0.11 E C03832317 2 -1.04 -8.76 3.86 -5.63 -11.57 61 C03832317 6875 58405 21 2 78.8 0.21 E C03832317 2 -2.07 -17.97 3.83 -5.60 -21.81 62 C03832317 5469 22731 21 2 21.8 0.13 E C03832317 2 -0.24 -29.78 3.87 -5.57 -31.72 63 C03832317 6876 49773 21 2 77.6 0.20 E C03832317 2 0.11 -30.76 3.84 -5.56 -32.37 64 C03832319 6665 277824 19 4 808.2 0.70 E C03832319 2 -3.48 -31.58 2.14 -5.24 -38.16 65 C03832319 2291 52318 19 4 124.2 0.16 E C03832319 2 -3.28 -29.64 2.16 -5.25 -36.01 66 C03832319 6709 248248 19 4 771.7 0.62 E C03832319 2 -2.13 -33.23 2.09 -5.24 -38.52 67 C03832319 2295 45423 19 4 86.2 0.14 E C03832319 2 -1.45 -31.72 2.12 -5.23 -36.29 68 C03832326 6669 74362 21 4 182.7 0.24 E C03832326 2 -1.66 -23.72 3.63 -5.58 -27.33 69 C03832326 2706 56386 21 4 88.2 0.17 E C03832326 2 -1.47 -24.39 3.67 -5.61 -27.80 70 C03832326 6721 67621 21 4 67.0 0.23 E C03832326 2 -1.65 -29.22 3.72 -5.51 -32.66 71 C03832326 2706 47221 21 4 101.9 0.15 E C03832326 2 -1.36 -29.77 3.70 -5.54 -32.96 72 C03832320 8361 21743 22 2 14.0 0.15 E C03832320 2 -1.86 -10.99 3.65 -5.93 -15.13 73 C03832320 6877 48429 22 2 65.6 0.20 E C03832320 2 -2.04 -17.76 3.59 -5.97 -22.18 74 C03832320 8361 29454 22 2 33.2 0.19 E C03832320 2 -0.16 -28.99 3.61 -5.96 -31.49 75 C03832320 6876 40238 22 2 89.3 0.17 E C03832320 2 -0.19 -29.29 3.60 -5.93 -31.81 76 C03814380 5379 23452 23 3 45.4 0.11 E C03814380 2 -3.07 15.99 4.97 -5.20 12.70 77 C03814380 4215 38770 23 3 70.4 0.14 E C03814380 2 -2.73 5.68 4.81 -5.04 2.71 78 C03814370 3679 7766 23 3 16.0 0.04 E C03814370 2 -2.53 28.58 5.40 -5.19 26.25 79 C03814370 5224 24682 23 3 28.0 0.10 E C03814370 2 -2.18 25.53 5.34 -5.05 23.65 80 C03832316 5168 41430 21 3 90.0 0.18 E C03832316 2 -2.66 -27.96 3.81 -5.51 -32.33 81 C03832316 6668 84269 21 3 144.5 0.28 E C03832316 2 -2.22 -29.40 3.78 -5.53 -33.37 82 C03832316 5164 38138 21 3 83.0 0.17 E C03832316 2 -1.05 -31.25 3.78 -5.45 -33.97 83 C03832316 6707 77558 21 3 222.0 0.26 E C03832316 2 -1.06 -31.27 3.78 -5.44 -33.99 84 C03831934 3695 0 28 1 0.01 bump 85 C03831934 3690 0 28 1 0.02 bump 86 C03831934 4557 7175 28 1 19.4 0.07 E C03831934 1 -0.71 63.53 4.80 -6.42 61.21 87 C03831934 4561 6818 28 1 18.0 0.07 E C03831934 1 -0.74 63.90 4.83 -6.43 61.56 88 C03831934 3782 4631 28 1 12.0 0.04 E C03831934 1 -1.76 21.03 4.79 -6.47 17.59 89 C03831934 3733 4611 28 1 0.0 0.04 E C03831934 1 -2.45 10.91 4.77 -6.52 6.71 90 C03831934 4288 2663 28 1 0.0 0.04 E C03831934 1 1.48 164.51 4.94 -6.36 164.58 91 C03831934 4267 2372 28 1 0.0 0.04 E C03831934 1 1.43 164.01 4.94 -6.36 164.02 92 C03814383 2333 22945 23 1 30.2 0.16 E C03814383 1 -0.63 -16.79 6.30 -5.57 -16.69 93 C03814383 1793 16160 23 1 58.3 0.11 E C03814383 1 -0.73 -15.64 6.28 -5.57 -15.66 94 C03814383 2037 15607 23 1 57.2 0.12 E C03814383 1 -1.62 -14.65 6.24 -5.50 -15.54 95 C03814383 1753 12384 23 1 47.2 0.09 E C03814383 1 -1.58 -17.98 6.27 -5.51 -18.80 96 C03831939 5238 3646 28 1 6.0 0.04 E C03831939 1 -4.71 -0.62 3.74 -7.25 -8.84 97 C03831939 5233 2984 28 1 0.0 0.04 E C03831939 1 -4.61 -0.38 3.74 -7.23 -8.49 98 C03831939 5808 9186 28 1 4.0 0.08 E C03831939 1 -0.84 18.14 3.77 -7.28 13.79 99 C03831939 5805 9113 28 1 10.1 0.08 E C03831939 1 -0.83 16.70 3.77 -7.28 12.36 100 C03831939 7129 4803 28 1 16.8 0.06 E C03831939 1 -0.83 142.40 3.76 -7.33 138.01 101 C03831939 7313 4748 28 1 10.0 0.07 E C03831939 1 0.40 83.99 3.82 -7.40 80.81 102 C03831939 4981 5160 28 1 26.1 0.05 E C03831939 1 1.90 26.93 3.66 -7.39 25.10 103 C03831939 4983 5023 28 1 30.0 0.05 E C03831939 1 1.98 28.43 3.66 -7.39 26.68 104 C03831938 4961 0 30 1 0.02 bump 105 C03831938 4959 0 30 1 0.03 bump 106 C03831938 4103 0 30 1 0.01 bump 107 C03831938 4004 0 30 1 0.02 bump 108 C03831938 4454 351 30 1 0.0 0.03 E C03831938 1 2.29 95.91 4.04 -7.03 95.21 109 C03831938 4498 338 30 1 0.0 0.02 E C03831938 1 2.35 91.12 4.04 -7.04 90.48 110 C03831938 4681 0 30 1 0.03 bump 111 C03831938 4681 0 30 1 0.02 bump 112 C03831947 4298 380 33 36 0.02 bump 113 C03831947 10457 7639 33 18 0.16 bump 114 C03831947 5221 0 33 9 0.02 bump 115 C03831947 5190 0 33 9 0.02 bump 116 C03831947 4682 0 33 9 0.03 bump 117 C03831947 4679 0 33 9 0.02 bump 118 C03831947 7299 0 33 9 0.04 bump 119 C03831947 7298 0 33 9 0.03 bump EOF: /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/original/dud_lig_pr_0001.db.gz end of file encountered total minimization steps = 1835221 for debugging, time = 22.30000 solvation corrected scores: (a) 1 C03832319 score: -38.517 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 4 2 C03832319 score: -38.165 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 4 3 C03832312 score: -38.150 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 4 C03832312 score: -37.612 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 5 C03832312 score: -37.590 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 6 C03832315 score: -37.471 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 3 7 C03832312 score: -37.392 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 8 C03832315 score: -36.994 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 3 9 C03832321 score: -36.926 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 10 C03832321 score: -36.823 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 11 C03832314 score: -36.544 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 12 C03832319 score: -36.290 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 4 13 C03832315 score: -36.223 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 3 14 C03832311 score: -36.159 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 15 C03832324 score: -36.017 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 4 16 C03832319 score: -36.006 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 4 17 C03832311 score: -35.900 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 18 C03832321 score: -35.816 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 19 C03832314 score: -35.683 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 20 C03832318 score: -35.479 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 21 C03832311 score: -35.436 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 22 C03832311 score: -35.222 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 23 C03832322 score: -34.180 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 24 C03832322 score: -34.118 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 25 C03832323 score: -34.099 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 3 26 C03832318 score: -33.993 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 27 C03832316 score: -33.992 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 28 C03832316 score: -33.970 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 29 C03832323 score: -33.932 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 3 30 C03832315 score: -33.898 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 3 31 C03832325 score: -33.888 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 2 32 C03832325 score: -33.811 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 2 33 C03832323 score: -33.589 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 3 34 C03832316 score: -33.373 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 35 C03832321 score: -33.238 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 36 C03832326 score: -32.961 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 4 37 C03832323 score: -32.953 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 3 38 C03832326 score: -32.664 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 4 39 C03832325 score: -32.418 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 2 40 C03832317 score: -32.369 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 41 C03832316 score: -32.329 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 42 C03832325 score: -32.178 nathvy = 18 nconfs = 2 43 C03832320 score: -31.805 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 2 44 C03832317 score: -31.721 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 45 C03832324 score: -31.523 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 4 46 C03832313 score: -31.491 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 47 C03832320 score: -31.491 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 2 48 C03832313 score: -31.434 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 49 C03832313 score: -31.429 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 50 C03832322 score: -31.311 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 51 C03832324 score: -31.211 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 4 52 C03832313 score: -31.089 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 3 53 C03832314 score: -30.862 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 54 C03832318 score: -30.838 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 55 C03832322 score: -30.632 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 2 56 C03832318 score: -30.408 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 57 C03832314 score: -30.270 nathvy = 19 nconfs = 2 58 C03832324 score: -30.211 nathvy = 20 nconfs = 4 59 C03832326 score: -27.798 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 4 60 C03832326 score: -27.331 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 4 61 C03832320 score: -22.179 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 2 62 C03832317 score: -21.810 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 63 C03814383 score: -18.795 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 1 64 C03814383 score: -16.693 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 1 65 C03814383 score: -15.664 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 1 66 C03814383 score: -15.537 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 1 67 C03832320 score: -15.132 nathvy = 22 nconfs = 2 68 C03832317 score: -11.572 nathvy = 21 nconfs = 2 69 C03831939 score: -8.836 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 70 C03831939 score: -8.486 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 71 C03814380 score: 2.710 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 3 72 C03831934 score: 6.711 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 73 C03831939 score: 12.359 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 74 C03814380 score: 12.698 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 3 75 C03831939 score: 13.795 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 76 C03834060 score: 14.664 nathvy = 24 nconfs = 3 77 C03831934 score: 17.595 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 78 C03814370 score: 23.652 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 3 79 C03831939 score: 25.097 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 80 C03814369 score: 25.356 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 3 81 C03814370 score: 26.251 nathvy = 23 nconfs = 3 82 C03831939 score: 26.681 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 83 C03814369 score: 43.520 nathvy = 25 nconfs = 3 84 C03831934 score: 61.207 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 85 C03831934 score: 61.563 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 86 C03831939 score: 80.811 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 87 C03831938 score: 90.479 nathvy = 30 nconfs = 1 88 C03831938 score: 95.206 nathvy = 30 nconfs = 1 89 C03831939 score: 138.010 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 90 C03831934 score: 164.024 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 91 C03831934 score: 164.581 nathvy = 28 nconfs = 1 Date and Time: 13-Mar-12 14:17:23 elapsed time (sec): 22.3800