*on* Sphere 36 near OE1 GLU 672 Calculated angle as 116.564973373296 and cosangle -0.447212380928213 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near N SER 674 Sphere 36 near HN SER 674 Calculated angle as 176.727514636241 and cosangle -0.998369344952373 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near N GLY 675 Sphere 36 near HN GLY 675 Calculated angle as 147.897977573134 and cosangle -0.847103163543345 for sphere 36 Now colored sphere 36 to color 10 Now colored sphere 36 to color 8 Now colored sphere 36 to color 8 8 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 36 Sphere 34 near ND1 HIS 377 Sphere 34 near HND HIS 377 Calculated angle as 148.80123885241 and cosangle -0.855375460768361 for sphere 34 Sphere 34 near OD1 ASN 484 Calculated angle as 142.43566120168 and cosangle -0.792669247504202 for sphere 34 Now colored sphere 34 to color 4 Now colored sphere 34 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 34 Sphere 33 near OE1 GLU 88 Calculated angle as 134.712643313714 and cosangle -0.703551535993005 for sphere 33 Sphere 33 near ND2 ASN 133 Sphere 33 near HND1 ASN 133 Calculated angle as 110.947553302519 and cosangle -0.357513230296535 for sphere 33 Now colored sphere 33 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 33 Sphere 27 near OE1 GLU 672 Calculated angle as 168.108202719552 and cosangle -0.978538496185561 for sphere 27 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 27 Sphere 13 near OE1 GLU 88 Calculated angle as 144.652752219494 and cosangle -0.815660794293984 for sphere 13 Now colored sphere 13 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 13 Sphere 3 near N GLY 675 Sphere 3 near HN GLY 675 Calculated angle as 126.709152382193 and cosangle -0.597753214353347 for sphere 3 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 3 Sphere 15 near O HIS 377 Calculated angle as 150.432830519099 and cosangle -0.869777815761593 for sphere 15 Now colored sphere 15 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 15 Sphere 2 near OE2 GLU 385 Calculated angle as 129.267487600005 and cosangle -0.632941656267384 for sphere 2 Now colored sphere 2 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 2 Sphere 19 near OE2 GLU 88 Calculated angle as 114.557054706379 and cosangle -0.415599169491859 for sphere 19 Now colored sphere 19 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 19 Sphere 44 near OE1 GLU 88 Calculated angle as 129.665872355089 and cosangle -0.638309419255907 for sphere 44 Now colored sphere 44 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 44 Sphere 11 near O ASN 282 Calculated angle as 118.490441987437 and cosangle -0.477012150414457 for sphere 11 Now colored sphere 11 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 11 Sphere 20 near ND1 HIS 377 Sphere 20 near HND HIS 377 Calculated angle as 123.785930105975 and cosangle -0.556091537217069 for sphere 20 Now colored sphere 20 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 20 Sphere 45 near N LEU 136 Sphere 45 near HN LEU 136 Calculated angle as 157.741272673522 and cosangle -0.925482817303122 for sphere 45 Now colored sphere 45 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 45 Sphere 32 near OE1 GLU 88 Calculated angle as 114.107031591378 and cosangle -0.408442484352285 for sphere 32 Now colored sphere 32 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 32 Summary: colored 12 spheres POLAR, 27 spheres NONPOLAR, 6 spheres neither.