X+ Y+ Z+ X+ Y- Z+ Y+ Z- Y+ Z+ X- Y+ Y- Y+ Y- X- Z- Y+ X- After creating box around spheres, box is too small (732846.480057845 < 1500000), so increasing its size Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 13.9570948670944 -0.34147112740605 20.9893464711274 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 14.764 23.93172 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): 0.166 -28.819 9.615 33.88812 -0.709 38.24844 D1X- D2X+ D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 860080.22713595 **BOX SIZE is now: 35.72212 29.11 30.63344 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 14.264 23.93172 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -0.834 -28.819 8.615 34.88812 0.291 39.24844 D1X- D2X+ D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1000768.13469406 **BOX SIZE is now: 37.72212 30.11 32.63344 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 13.764 23.93172 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -1.834 -28.819 7.615 35.88812 1.291 40.24844 D1X- D2X+ D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1155558.20273216 **BOX SIZE is now: 39.72212 31.11 34.63344 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 13.264 23.93172 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -2.834 -28.819 6.615 36.88812 2.291 41.24844 D1X- D2X+ D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1325098.43125027 **BOX SIZE is now: 41.72212 32.11 36.63344 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 12.764 23.93172 Diagonals of current box are (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -3.834 -28.819 5.615 37.88812 3.291 42.24844 D1X- D2X+ D2Y+ D1Z- D2Z+ **Total grid points in box is now: 1510036.82024837 **BOX SIZE is now: 43.72212 33.11 38.63344 Center of receptor atoms is (x y z): 13.9570948670944 -0.34147112740605 20.9893464711274 Center of current box is (x y z): 17.02706 -12.264 23.93172 Diagonals of current box is (D1: x y z, D2: x y z): -4.834 -28.819 4.615 38.88812 4.291 43.24844 Limit diagonals to 8.3f : -4.834 -28.819 4.615 38.888 4.291 43.248