*on* Sphere 36 near O CYS 191 Calculated angle as 94.6418142308085 and cosangle -0.0809263481475065 for sphere 36 Sphere 36 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 126.035200678756 and cosangle -0.58828217527729 for sphere 36 Now colored sphere 36 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 36 Sphere 54 near NE2 GLN 192 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 54 Sphere 22 near OD1 ASP 189 Calculated angle as 96.8817217757231 and cosangle -0.119820128049851 for sphere 22 Sphere 22 near O SER 190 Calculated angle as 106.743276431423 and cosangle -0.288083896674298 for sphere 22 Sphere 22 near OG SER 190 Calculated angle as 130.238483412426 and cosangle -0.645970555055149 for sphere 22 Now colored sphere 22 to color 10 Now colored sphere 22 to color 10 Now colored sphere 22 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 22 Sphere 8 near OG SER 190 Calculated angle as 100.790928139646 and cosangle -0.187225782932718 for sphere 8 Sphere 8 near N CYS 191 Sphere 8 near O CYS 191 Calculated angle as 84.8420789588438 and cosangle 0.0899011620087267 for sphere 8 Now colored sphere 8 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 8 Sphere 49 near O HIS 57 Calculated angle as 136.533776233077 and cosangle -0.725780034428847 for sphere 49 Now colored sphere 49 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 49 Sphere 43 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 168.626168000026 and cosangle -0.980361345998267 for sphere 43 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 43 Sphere 26 near O GLY 219 Calculated angle as 147.906643134699 and cosangle -0.847183528469578 for sphere 26 Now colored sphere 26 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 26 Sphere 51 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 149.739676164811 and cosangle -0.863744718710591 for sphere 51 Sphere 51 near O SER 214 Calculated angle as 125.95048311385 and cosangle -0.587085853931481 for sphere 51 Now colored sphere 51 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 51 Sphere 29 near O PHE 41 Calculated angle as 160.646865061298 and cosangle -0.943494033462659 for sphere 29 Now colored sphere 29 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 29 Sphere 40 near OD1 ASP 189 Calculated angle as 89.5803426513361 and cosangle 0.00732433697590146 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near OD2 ASP 189 Calculated angle as 90.6461010498383 and cosangle -0.0112763516305383 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near O SER 190 Calculated angle as 105.60243938709 and cosangle -0.268960827341981 for sphere 40 Sphere 40 near OG SER 190 Calculated angle as 133.584979264337 and cosangle -0.689429670207847 for sphere 40 Now colored sphere 40 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 40 Sphere 58 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 142.59107828672 and cosangle -0.79432003442584 for sphere 58 Now colored sphere 58 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 58 Sphere 59 near NE2 GLN 192 Sphere 59 near HNE2 GLN 192 Calculated angle as 173.074598823287 and cosangle -0.992703983604944 for sphere 59 Now colored sphere 59 to color 4 4 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 59 Sphere 42 near NE2 GLN 192 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 42 Sphere 15 near SG CYS 42 Calculated angle as 161.886474199186 and cosangle -0.950442363833297 for sphere 15 Sphere 15 near O HIS 57 Calculated angle as 119.577656122244 and cosangle -0.493602748414086 for sphere 15 Now colored sphere 15 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 15 Sphere 60 near NE2 HIS 57 Calculated angle as 113.622991888205 and cosangle -0.400716722152668 for sphere 60 Sphere 60 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 127.448594429262 and cosangle -0.608049390278583 for sphere 60 Sphere 60 near HOG SER 195 Calculated angle as 138.965870709768 and cosangle -0.754318652664134 for sphere 60 Now colored sphere 60 to color 3 Now colored sphere 60 to color 12 12 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 60 Sphere 9 near O PHE 41 Calculated angle as 148.470466354566 and cosangle -0.852370724321486 for sphere 9 Now colored sphere 9 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 9 Sphere 53 near NE2 GLN 192 0 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 53 Sphere 46 near OD1 ASP 189 Calculated angle as 132.259834025588 and cosangle -0.672493845701768 for sphere 46 Sphere 46 near O GLY 219 Calculated angle as 149.890938968027 and cosangle -0.865072098415427 for sphere 46 Now colored sphere 46 to color 10 Now colored sphere 46 to color 10 10 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 46 Sphere 6 near O CYS 191 Calculated angle as 105.321600033476 and cosangle -0.264236661349228 for sphere 6 Sphere 6 near N SER 195 Sphere 6 near OG SER 195 Calculated angle as 116.508576465706 and cosangle -0.446331768655799 for sphere 6 Now colored sphere 6 to color 3 3 IS FINAL COLOR FOR SPHERE 6 Summary: colored 15 spheres POLAR, 35 spheres NONPOLAR, 10 spheres neither.