DRD3 — Dopamine D3 receptor (GPCR)
Raw | Clustered | Exp. | Decoys | AUC | Log AUC | Enrichment |
2,113 | 480 | 14 | 34,050 | 69.40 | 12.78 | 4.4 |
drd3.tar.gzBrowse drd3/docking/lig/ref/TEMP00000001.mol2
For an explanation of what these files are, please see the DUDE wiki page.- ..
- 1.mol2
- 2.mol2
- 3_1.1.2db.log
- 3_1.2.2db.log
- 3_1.mol2
- 3_1.omega.log
- 3_2.1.2db.log
- 3_2.2.2db.log
- 3_2.mol2
- 3_2.omega.log
- 3_3.1.2db.log
- 3_3.2.2db.log
- 3_3.mol2
- 3_3.omega.log
- 3_4.1.2db.log
- 3_4.2.2db.log
- 3_4.mol2
- 3_4.omega.log
- TEMP00000001.mol2
- TEMP00000001.solv
- amsol.log
- corina.trc
- db.db.bz2
- inchi.ism
- mitools.ism
- psesth.ism
- ring_count
- sesth.ism
- solv.log
- test.ism
- test2.ism
- test3.ism