LCK — Tyrosine-protein kinase LCK (Kinase)
Raw | Clustered | Exp. | Decoys | AUC | Log AUC | Enrichment |
916 | 420 | 148 | 27,400 | 81.61 | 25.39 | 16.2 |
lck.tar.gzBrowse lck/P06239/blasti
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- 1x27
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- 3byo
- 3bys
- 3byu
- 3kmm
- 3kxz
- 3lck
- 3mpm
- actives_blasti.prop
- actives_blasti.smi
- codes
- codes_auto
- dock32.beta
- dock64.beta
- info_blasti.txt
- ligand_blasti.smi
- table_blasti.csv