PTN1 — Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (Other Enzymes)
Raw | Clustered | Exp. | Decoys | AUC | Log AUC | Enrichment |
264 | 130 | 153 | 7,250 | 83.92 | 35.53 | 30.0 |
ptn1.tar.gzBrowse ptn1/P18031/blasti/1l8g/dock/decoys_ptn1_clustered
For an explanation of what these files are, please see the DUDE wiki page.- ..
- database_link
- combine.scores.bz2
- combine.zeroes
- dbgen_dec_0001.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0002.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0003.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0004.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0005.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0006.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0007.tar.bz2
- dbgen_dec_0008.tar.bz2
- dbgen_lig_0001.tar.bz2
- dirlist
- dock.saved
- enrich.txt
- roc.txt
- stderr